Thursday, February 4, 2010

Writing this blog has rejuvenated my overall zest for life. Many of you who have read it have commented that you can relate too many of the challenges that I have faced and it is a strong message of hope to us to know that we are not alone. It’s really funny how easily we are taken in by an image put before us and allow that image to make us feel lesser somehow- not measuring up. A great example is the old black and white TV show where busy housewife Donna Reed is always in a dress and pearls with her hair perfect running the vacuum, doing laundry and cooking. Get real! On the other hand it happens every day. We have the perception our coworkers have it all together, our friends have their children completely under control, no one else is eating macaroni and cheese (the 39 cent box type), and we even go to church and see friends dressed up with their all is perfect in my world smile. My husband and I have had some of our “best” fights on the way to church! Keeping up with the Joneses is absolutely not worth any effort and comparing myself to another is sad to God. He made me unique and gave me Jesus to guide my way in finding myself. No other can lead me into a path of satisfaction and fullness in my life.

Today I didn’t particularly want to write, but this is the path Jesus is leading me through. It is my outlet to explore the universe I am in and find others out there to connect to, join with- receive from and give to! If we only act when inspired few may be the significant actions in our life. If we follow the path Jesus is putting before us in obedience regardless of how we feel- I am finding a surprising spurt of energy and hope as a result…………..

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