Thursday, February 11, 2010

The giant fought hard and there were planet collisions all around me, but I had made up my mind to hold my ground and stay the course. This past year I have been in a war zone and the cause and effect on my life from my perspective is like surviving a tsunami. Everyone in our immediate family has been affected. We all have floundered as we’ve sought to rebuild our lives and get treatment for deep wounds. There have been needs difficult for others to understand and yet we have been blessed with support from family and friends.

Yesterday as we stood together fighting the giant I was aware that there was a renewed strength within me and a peace straight from heaven so strong I was never moved by what I saw. I knew that what I could do nothing about was being handled by the loving God I have trusted all these years. I knew that I knew Jesus was walking the path before us paving the way and we would not be forsaken ever- what He starts is always completed

If it bothers you that I write somewhat vaguely, know that it is because I am aware that though it feels like no one else suffers like we do, that there is no truth in that. Each of us has a personal challenge and though ours may not hit the headlines, for us the pain and struggle is real. No matter where we are or what our challenge is- the answers are the same. Seek the Lord with our whole heart, soul, and mind and follow His wisdom as it is revealed to us. Jesus loves me this I know and I am submitting my thinking to Him and finding peace- it is real- it feels good- it’s His plan for me to live there in the midst. His peace is not the ocean kind either- It annihilates all the enemies and provides a safe place for me to live- sweet………………………

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