Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A wish I have for every child is that they would have a grandmother as fun as both of mine. My Dad’s mom taught me to play scrabble, row a boat (I didn’t like the fishing part) create new games out of what was available (turtle races at the lake!), love reading and not be too proud to pee in a quart jar. My mother’s mom gave me my love of crafts and always had one planned for me when I visited. She also taught me exploration as we gathered shells on the beach and looked up to see what they were called. Though both had a stern side you didn’t cross my first thought of them is always the memories of the fun we had together! Now I get to be a fun grandma and it is the greatest joy of my life. Pictured above are some of the cookies I baked to be decorated at our 4 generations cookie party- My Mom, myself, my daughter, and my 2 grandkids! These moments are what life is worth living for- sharing experiences with those we love.

The definition of a fun grandma is different for every one of us. (Many have no grandmother or the situation was so dysfunctional they have no happy memory. God has promised to be for you what you do not have- think about it and you will probably remember someone who became the grandmother figure for you). If I were to ask my 4 brothers or my sister they would each have their own favorite memory. One was that one grandma always had a candy dish full! I tend to go for the complicated projects because that is what I love to do- but being a fun person doesn’t require work – it requires time.

Our children remember one grandpa for racing around the couch with them- and both grandpas for allowing them to “fix their hair”. This past year the grandchildren were aware that grandma wasn’t as much fun as usual and they worried about me orbiting alone in space (at that time they were 5&7). One time when I was especially sad and upset I went out to the car and hide and cry. My 5 year old granddaughter snuck out of the house and found me. She said simply, “I came to cheer you up grandma” and put a CD on and snuggled up with me. Her brother is also a big hugger and was constantly coming up to hug me and without words his eyes would say “don’t worry grandma- I will always be here”.

Those memories will stay with me as so precious forever, but I believe in childhood very strongly and too many children in the world are having to grow up before their time because we adults are so stressed out we no longer take time for quality fun time for ourselves or with our kids. The disciples felt that when they tried to shoo the kids away, but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me” and He took time to love on them! It’s the best therapy in my world. Planet Carol is discovering how to play again- alone-with the Lord- with friends & family. No matter what crisis tries to steal me away I will not forget I was created for God’s pleasure and that includes playtime…………….

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