Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Does God roll His eyes? Does He say “whatever”? Does He have “attitude” obvious to everyone? These are questions I wonder about sometimes, but then today I am thinking that I’ve asked them in my search to be like God, but really what I want the answer to be is that God is like me! NOT. It is truly amazing how very different each of us is- for even relationships we enjoy because we have so much in common- the truth is there are distinct differences between us and those close friends. We simply tolerate them more because of what we do share that is so positive! I love the prodigal son’s father who I picture as standing quietly in faith for his son. I doubt the father participated in dinner conversations talking about the awful things his son was doing. Others were angry, but he was simply sad and wanted things to be right. When his prayers were answered his reaction as he hugged and blessed his son said it all!

Sunday night I asked the children to knock on a door and keep knocking. I asked them how long they would do that until someone came and of course they were already done waiting. I explained to them that God wasn’t like us. Jesus stands at the door of our hearts knocking and stays there until we answer. Why????? Because He created us for relationship and knows how valuable it can be and considered it worth the cross to have it with us.

Sputtering, searching, silently screaming on the inside for help Planet Carol is discovering it is not help she needs- it is response to a loving God who is always waiting for me. Perhaps today I will replace the wood in my heart for a glass pane or better yet a screen the Holy Spirit can flow through………………..

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