Thursday, February 25, 2010

Setback. Disappointment. Loss. Here we go again. You can add your own description to whatever situation is trying to steal the peace and satisfaction in your day. What do we do in the battle? I am humbled to tell you that most often as pictured above I have attempted to tackle the battle head on with equipment that I was never created to use. (I can’t even lift the saw in the picture!) And just like pictured above I end up looking scary and people definitely want to distance themselves from me!

For me closing in is also a tactic. I just shut down like I am paralyzed and can’t move. Sometimes I run away- to food, a computer game, a book that has no meaning. In this state most often the situation goes on, but the point is that whether it turns out ok or not I have been robbed of life and purpose and joy because I couldn’t let go. When you really really really care about something or someone it is very very very hard to let go when things are not good even if you know that you know that you know you can’t do anything about it. Some things just feel really bad. Jesus prayed Father if possible let this cup pass from me- nevertheless I am willing to follow through no matter what it costs. For Him the pain was worth the gain. For me not to trust that He has already paid the price so I can trust Him with my body, soul, and spirit and guide me through this life until the day we are together in heaven is to disrespect the gain- His presence with me on this earth every minute, every hour.

I need to open up to Him. Jesus is the answer for me in everything. Without Him our lives cannot be satisfied………………………………….

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