Thursday, December 31, 2009

It is the week after Christmas and I am not alone when I say that I am still in the right after dinner state. That place where some just slump on the couch watching the game, some sit and talk for hours, others may play games, but no one engages in normal daily activity- it is a holiday and there is no pressure to do anything! The cooks work is done
These holiday moments are anticipated weeks ahead by most people as a time you can count on to stop and catch your breath or at least get away from the daily grind we live in.
When we get there in spite of the in-laws we don’t get along with there is a letting down that is nice at some moment of the experience. The level of contentment we live in our normal daily lives directly affects our motivation to leave the holiday.

For me, that level of contentment is divided, causing a war inside myself that threatens my ability to stand. You see I am very content in some areas of my life and completely discontent in others! There are 4 sizes of pants hanging in my closet- not content! There are photos of family all over the house- all bring thoughts of pride and love- yet some are also reminders of hurts or concerns- mixed contentment! Multiple calls daily reminding me of a large village of caring family and friends that surround me, but many of the conversations bring the realization of the struggles we are all in- mixed contentment. Going to the mailbox, email, facebook, or the blogsites brings both announcements of happy things as well as the bills and requests for donations etc. - mixed contentment. This state of mixed contentment is not motivating me- it overwhelms me. It occurs to me that Jesus experienced this when he said, “Jerusalem, Jerusalem which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!” Luke 13:34 He himself is the answer, but we must respond!

Personalizing scripture is very effective motivational tool. Let me try this one on myself:
“Carol, Carol who quickly forgets the word of the prophets and often ignores or refuses to receive those sent to help her; Every time I was trying to set you in good places, meet all your needs, squeeze you with the unconditional love of the Holy Spirit and you wouldn’t stop what you were doing and step aside and let me be your Lord!” Now here is something to ponder- help digest that pumpkin pie- maybe even motivate me to see the things I can do rather than dwell on failures or discontentment! God has promised His mercy is new every morning. This morning I will step aside and rejoice in His presence and His Lordship and give Him the reigns. I strongly suspect I will find motivation as I surrender to Him today and let Him live and move and have this “Carol” being for His purpose.

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