Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ever notice how quick we are to answer a question? Are you angry? No. Are you hungry? Yes. Are you ok? Sure, fine. Are you content? Absolutely! It has occurred to me recently that many times my answers are rote and given without much thought. Sometimes upon reflecting my answer I discover within my heart that I did not give an accurate response. This speaking without thinking thing is a very human part of our nature and sadly we often just respond as the group we run with expects us too. I became a planet too busy to take the time to reflect upon the question beyond my immediate answers. Now I am not saying that I was lying all this time, because to my active thinking every response was true. Often I was distracted with other thoughts I considered more important than what was being addressed to me at the time.

My husband and I like most couples love a getaway that includes a beach, sun and sand. He sets himself up for the day and is content to watch the water, sleep, and take occasional therapy- going out and letting the waves toss him around! I like the atmosphere of the ocean and the sound of the waves, but prefer to read or walk the boardwalk and shop having a hard time just “sitting” even at the beach. If I were to get comments about this there would be a thousand interpretations about us- our personality profile, backgrounds, needs met or unmet, and on and on it could go. Google it and you will get 40,000 responses to consider!

The pace of our society has continued to increase. In the movie Kate and Leopold when she asks him if he misses the 18th century he responds that he misses the pace. As an adult I miss the pace I remember as a child. For my grandchildren I have a great concern for how they will be able to find peace in a world that moves so fast and is so competitive. The zooming around as I have done all my life would be considered normal. It was when I hit that wall and sputtered and stopped that I truly looked inside my heart for what the definition for contentment is for Planet Carol. I am discovering that the patterns I’ve zoomed through over and over have not all brought contentment and in my disconnection from the universe floating aimlessly this past year I am more interested than ever to discover who I am as an individual defined solely by my own hearts desire. I am reconnecting to the high school girl who memorized scripture and led her friends in prayer groups and community outreach. The college girl who sought the Lord with all her heart before moving ahead on any decision. The young mother who found joy in providing quality times for her family that would plant deep roots of unconditional love and build confidence in her children to never fear to go for their dreams. If this sounds lofty to you, please understand that I am an optimist and believe that more women than not have these same desires. In my discovery there is one thing so far that I am very certain of. Without my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ my life cannot stand up to the God of this world anymore than the Building and Loan could stand without George Bailey! Like George, I have often been discontent in the exact place I needed to be- not understanding the plan of God for my life. Recognizing God’s plan and finding contentment in it is priority on my list of repairs today. It may be hard and then again the Bible says if any of you lack wisdom ask and it shall be given to you……………

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