Sunday, December 27, 2009


There is no time like the holidays for emotions. Most men blame them on the women, but I see emotions from men even stronger than ours during these moments. Emotions are of course the avenue to extreme behavior and where I choose to pick on the guys for a few moments, here are a few examples that we gals may have to look at too!:
1. Extreme shopping way beyond our means (making us feel like we can’t afford things others want).
2. This one is for the men- Refusing to shop at all (the economy you know) and handing you a few bucks for the kids Christmas eve (and by then you have borrowed from family and friends to ensure your children are not disappointed) which causes a night of wrapping and no sleep and promises all the romance of Christmas is lost!
3. Grieving for family that has gone on ahead and more often than not unaware of why you are sad or grumpy.
4. Resenting the extra work making the event happen and not feeling fully appreciated for the effort.
5. Dreading the encounters with friends or relatives we just don’t get along with.

Wow- that is enough of that- I love Christmas and what a gloomy picture! This year I did everything for Thanksgiving due to circumstances in every other family member’s life, so they made the sweet plan that I would not cook Christmas! I was expecting to be blessed and enjoy the holiday perhaps more than ever- more time with the kids and visiting with the guests. 3 days before Christmas my husband was a tornado in the kitchen making 3 delicious desserts (He is famous for his cooking) and I was really at peace. They had planned a menu that veered from the traditional I did and excitement was high. Then he got sick. Nothing serious- just a sinus infection- but he was as useless as a burnt out light bulb. Went to bed right after my daughters annual Christmas Eve breakfast and there I stood in the kitchen all alone to get 2 meals started- our annual Christmas Eve get together with friends- 12 of us and our family and friends Christmas Day- a different assorted 12 of us. I chopped chicken wings up for the teriyaki chicken that was to be grilled, but I baked standing in front of the oven turning and basting Christmas day while my husband and daughter took a nap and Mom watched a movie. Ladies- I need not say more. But there was a miracle of Christmas for me. I wasn’t stressed. I wasn’t angry. I wasn’t grieving for the family member who wouldn’t come. I was overwhelmed at how blessed I am right now in the midst. Planet Carol worked not alone, but in the presence of the Holy Spirit and came out happy and blessed after 2 full days of hard unexpected labor. I loved every minute of both days. My best friend and I walked through the line Christmas Eve and sat at the table as guests at a wonderful party as if I had done nothing.
We played games, enjoyed presents, and the grandchildren we’re perfect (well that’s right- right?) so everyone ended the night so happy. Christmas day we drove to get Mom at her assisted living home and she stayed until 8 pm having a great time. The last present was opened at 11:30 pm due to family schedules and taking Mom home in the midst, but it was a great day. You see- my maiden name is Bailey- and regardless of the circumstances- compared to the picture of Christmas around the world I have a wonderful life! The angels God has sent to me are a wall of protection from the world and inside there is comfort, joy and peace beyond understanding. I am thinking finding planet carol is connected to choosing the right place to live…………………..

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