Monday, December 14, 2009

I have decided I was not completely honest in my last blog- there are only a few things I don't like about myself. I consider myself a quite likeable person actually. The real mystery for me is why more of you don't like me and reach out to me. It has been intriguing to experience the reactions of those around me to my planet being out of commission. Some of you just want me to explain what happened (and I can't). Others give advice in the desperate hope that I will just come out of it and get on with what has always been. There have even been some who have feared that I have had a head on collision and the damage is irreparable! When I was eight years old we attended a good Southern Baptist Church and during one of our revival services I gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ and was baptized. This was and is real for me- I can still remember the details of my first days knowing Jesus. Growing up I was in the middle of everything at my church- attaining the highest honors in the Girls Auxiliary Group. I even started a Prayer Group and Bible Study at my high school. My parents always thought I would become a foreign missionary. I did go to college and participated in lots of mission work (playing the piano made me invaluable to all the handsome young ministers and music leaders who went out in teams on the weekends! - being a Christian doesn't remove our human instincts). Anyway, I hit a point in college mission work one summer in the Appalachian mountains of Kentucky where I started to pray - I would say things like, "I know there is more to You, God than I am experiencing. I want to give more and there isn't more in me to give, but I know there is more in You." Boldly I asked Him to show me more or I wasn't going to spend my life serving Him. He did show me more and much to my family and friends dismay the girl elected to serve as the Baptist Student Union President at her college that coming fall was no longer Baptist- but filled with Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues and seeing miracles happen around. My father told me point blank I was going to hell. (He later changed his mind and we will be reunited in heaven one day!) Since that summer I have lived my life serving the Lord with my whole heart and a good life it has been in spite of huge challenges. How does someone like this, so sure of God's presence and love for the world run out of gas and just float...........................

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