Friday, March 26, 2010

There was a time in my lifetime (which has only been a short while) that the word stress would bring attention, concern and friends rallying to help. Now when you say you are under stress the most common reaction is “You ought to hear my list!” Everyone is too stressed out in their own situation to even hear or pay attention when someone is speaking to them.

I have been doing more listening while docked for repairs and am amazed that many conversations have people talking mostly about themselves- constantly interrupting each other not allowing one another to even finish a thought. Their need for their own situation to be addressed has robbed them from the ability to share in another’s. Overload. This usually leads to the search for who is to blame and zeal to rip up the “bad guy”! No doubt there are situations where this is appropriate, but the emphasis of our daily lives cannot be fueled by our frustrations, disappointments or anger. That fuel is of poor quality and brings destruction to the engine and other vital parts of the planet we operate. We also use up more fuel in a stressed a state.

It has come to my attention that if I truly want to operate with satisfaction in my life and reach new destinations in my future I may need to pay a higher price for better fuel in my tank! God’s gifts are free, but receiving them may cost me my selfishness, jealousy, and better priorities with my time. I for one shall seek to “Put a little love in the tank today”- the kind that stops and looks at the person talking to me………..

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