Tuesday, March 16, 2010

There is nothing like the first time experience or first success. The first basket in basketball- the first haircut- the first 5 lbs lost- or as pictured above the first front tooth gone! We all have things we have never done, but thought about trying which is why I love the movie “The Bucket List”. There is always hope. It is a choice for us to make.  My experience in life is we will do what we really want to do. When there is no money we find a way if we really want to have/do something. I have talked about writing for years and haven’t done it- yet now I am. It became so important to me that I have chosen to not do other things and make it happen.

Though I am not rich or famous as a result, I have found that in our society where people no longer take time to actually talk to each other have very common threads of thought and experience in daily life. Those who have commented to me about my site tell me they have strongly related to my search to make clear meaning out of life. It’s a first for me and it feels really good just to be doing it! I am a grandmother (very young one of course!) but today I know that there are many firsts to come in my future. God uses us simple people to impact the world. Planet Carol needs a lot of work and the project is overwhelming to me, but we serve a Lord who doesn’t throw away “the used cars” - He offers complete restoration! Only time will tell, but I’m thinking this planet will re-enter orbit- the universe still needs shining lights to encourage others to keep going…………………….

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