Monday, March 29, 2010

Cocky is not a word I would have ever used to describe myself, though I have succumbed to being called “spoiled rotten”. On one side I have loved ones telling me I don’t choose to take care of myself and on the other side I have those who think- well I guess I haven’t really figured out what they think! The question I need the answer to is what do I know about myself to be true?

Life is simply a drawing of the choices we have made. If I have the choice between which rose I want pictured above I don’t even have to think about it- I want the one standing tall and opened to perfection and will dispose of the drooping rose without a thought. In this situation it doesn’t make any real impact on life- they have both been picked and will ultimately die anyway. But as I look on my attitude in that choice I see myself as Merle Streep in “The Devil Wears Prada”. I know what I know and I am not going to consider anything else or any consequences of the way I act down the road- I just bulldoze through and when the machine bigger than I hits and knocks me down I am surprised and hurt, but don’t change anything.

If the roses were a CEO vs homeless person, chocolate vs broccoli, housework vs time with children, perfect yard vs outing with husband, church vs golf etc… it is obvious that our choice may have long term effects we don’t consider until it is too late. There is no perhaps to it any longer…to leave the repair dock healthy I have had to come to terms with the fact I don’t know nearly as much as I always thought I did. I’m listening……….

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