Wednesday, June 9, 2010

This year in my special corner of the house pictured above I am reading biographies. Today I began “Footprints of a Pilgrim- The life and loves of Ruth Bell Graham”. An easy read I highly recommend it! My thought has always been that to have your autobiography in print that you must have accomplished an extraordinary purpose in your life. I am amazed to read about very ordinary people, with ordinary situations – triumphs and failures just like mine. Granted they may have achieved something special that is beyond our imagination, but I like the line in the movie “Shall We Dance” when she describes marriage as being the person who records another’s life giving it true meaning. If what we do touches just one other person we may be as important as the fireman who pulls the child from the burning house.

There is not anything extraordinary about Planet Carol and yet with all my bumps and bruises I have shared in some very special things over the years. Each time that was true I was in a place of deep contentment knowing that the Lord was covering me. In between those events I often staggered in life. As I share my stories with others with transparent truth I often am told how encouraging they are. What we may be ashamed of, yet have overcome in time, is a nugget of hope for the reader who relates. Today it is pouring rain in Louisville- much needed at the moment. May God pour the rain of grace over us as we pursue today……

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