Friday, June 4, 2010

Can you imagine letting your child loose in the candy store pictured above and telling them they could choose 5 things they wanted. (The store also has the old fashioned ice cream counter, makes the candy there, and sports the original wooden floor with classic table and chairs!) How long would it take? How many times would they change their mind? If siblings were involved perhaps some deals would be made, “I’ll get this and share if you get that and share” etc… At what age could a child handle that decision without struggle? Perhaps the adult who has gone there their entire life and now knows what their favorite is.

The universe I live in seems to be like this candy store, but my candy store seems out of reach. Grandma isn’t here to take me. Mom’s on a fixed income and can’t take me. My husband’s hours have been cut so he can’t take me. I’ve lost 7 students for the summer do to the economy and I can’t take myself! Friends and family have lost jobs and finding themselves in some cases very dire circumstances so they also are cut off from the candy store.

For some reason this is the point I consider the Lord and His promise- ask and it will be given unto us, seek and we shall find, knock and the door will be opened. The truth is Planet Carol has a Father God whose pockets are full of candy which He loves to give His children. There are absolutely no limits to how many pieces we can have! It’s all there just waiting for us to dig in- Peace, love, joy, provision, healing, comfort, restoration, contentment, salvation from ourselves and so much more. I am on my way to the candy store………….

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