Monday, June 21, 2010

Perspective on a father is unique to age, environment, and relationship. For those who never had one around there is confusion and possibly deep hurt. For Hallmark to appoint a day to celebrate what one has never experienced certainly would feel empty. To those who have lost a father they shared much of life with the day springs forth with memories that are so personal they are rarely spoken. Whatever your reality is, hold on to that which is good!

I am from a family of six children whose father was taken from us quite suddenly about 20 years ago. Today there are six versions of one man in the hearts of his children. I can only share mine. Always the military commander even when retired I never doubted he had complete authority and to cross him would bring consequences unwanted. At the same time he had a gentle part that truly loved and cared about others and like most of us mellowed with age! I will never forget visiting him in the early years of my marriage and he was holding the newest family dog in his lap wearing pajamas. The dog peed on him. I braced myself praying for the dog’s life only to watch him hug her and say let’s get cleaned up “Elizabeth”- it’s ok. Who was this and where was my father????????

My Dad was the one I talked to way into the night hours through high school, college, and all trips home. Mom would just make some pop corn, hug us and say goodnight knowing we would be there hours. My Dad was a definite “don’t want my wife to work ever” kind of man, yet he encouraged me in education and leadership and was always proud of achievements. My Dad was a treasure to me and I have spoken to him often about the many things he has missed, but with a heart of hope that perhaps he hasn’t missed them, but is watching on…..Happy Father’s Day ……………………

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