Wednesday, June 30, 2010

So it has been a few days since I’ve posted life’s progress and though I am unaware of who if anyone is reading this I am driven to move forward and share my life ride- someone might actually relate and be encouraged! God bless you whoever you are!

What amazes me today is that it is still possible to be surprised in life. Just when I am sure there I am fully focused on life the picture becomes blurred like the reflection of something in the water as pictured above. Today I am considering the person(s) whom I have classified and put in “their box”. The box is well defined and thoroughly proven in my contact with them. As a matter of fact I am so sure of the “box” I can tell you how they will react before they do- (like my husband quoting the lines of all Star Trek episodes and movies before they are said!) What is taped can be altered of course in this day of technology, but the tapes and discs we own as well as those we have applied to our minds will always play what they have always played!

Planet Carol recently has seen/heard responses from orbiting family and friends that have surprised her. Most of them have been kinder, more thoughtful or more insightful than what their “box” included, but many are also responses of desperation. Just as the reflection on the water is difficult to define, I find myself unable to decipher who to respond to. My hearts desire is to be on the giving orbit. However to repeatedly hear these cries: “someone take care of me, provide for me, lessen the pressure I bear, share my journey so that I am not alone, stop expecting so much from me, and on the list goes until it is all a blur. It is presently my opinion that hearing God’s voice is not the problem, but my response to His guidance on my journey is becoming distorted. There are some tapes in my brain that need some serious alterations for me to become a healthy helpful loving planet. “To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul (brain): in you I trust, O my God.” Psalm 25:1

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

“Jesus is all the world to me, my life my hope my all. He is my strength from day to day without Him I would fall…..When I am sad…..He makes me glad….He’s my friend….”

The words of this old song are so true and we do a great injustice to ourselves and to others if we put off on a human what only Jesus can do. I am very guilty of that and as I reflect on my best human friend on her birthday there are thoughts that are very true.

1. Jesus gave her to me years ago.

2. I have leaned on her when I should have leaned on Him.

3. Even so Jesus worked/works through her to bless me often.

4. Though I feel the weaker link, Jesus has been there for her through me.

5. Forever our relationship will be as it has been rooted and founded in our shared love for the Lord.

6. Being a best friend is a covenant that requires unconditional love, mercy, and peace making. It cannot be had without the Lord in the center.

7. Having one is among the most precious pearls of my life!

A very happy birthday to my filled with the Spirit of God girlfriend, who has laughed with me, cried with me, shared every special event of life and has stood with me even when I was a spoiled rotten friend sucking rat! Friends forever……orbiting………..

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Yes- this is a big week at our house as today is Autumn’s 7th birthday! She is a princess who’s practically perfect in every way! Do you think I might be a bit prejudiced on this issue? I’ve yet to meet a grandma (of little ones anyway-Ha) who wasn’t convinced to her very bones that her children were beyond precious and worth every penny we spend on them whether or not the checks were hot! A grandma’s love is freer than Mom’s as it is usually not a 24/7 involvement- they come and go! I am privileged to be a “local” grandma so I seen mine a lot and they bring much joy into my life- a natural relief for any heaviness on my heart!

What I’ve just described is easy to understand for most of us. It is interesting that it is not so easy to understand that I am Autumn in God’s eyes. He sees me as His princess. There is nothing He wants more than to give to me and bless me in my life. He truly gets joy from His relationship with me. And He is with me 24/7! “Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings and ye would not!” Matthew 23:37 Princess Planet Carol- not a bad ring to it……………..

Monday, June 21, 2010

Perspective on a father is unique to age, environment, and relationship. For those who never had one around there is confusion and possibly deep hurt. For Hallmark to appoint a day to celebrate what one has never experienced certainly would feel empty. To those who have lost a father they shared much of life with the day springs forth with memories that are so personal they are rarely spoken. Whatever your reality is, hold on to that which is good!

I am from a family of six children whose father was taken from us quite suddenly about 20 years ago. Today there are six versions of one man in the hearts of his children. I can only share mine. Always the military commander even when retired I never doubted he had complete authority and to cross him would bring consequences unwanted. At the same time he had a gentle part that truly loved and cared about others and like most of us mellowed with age! I will never forget visiting him in the early years of my marriage and he was holding the newest family dog in his lap wearing pajamas. The dog peed on him. I braced myself praying for the dog’s life only to watch him hug her and say let’s get cleaned up “Elizabeth”- it’s ok. Who was this and where was my father????????

My Dad was the one I talked to way into the night hours through high school, college, and all trips home. Mom would just make some pop corn, hug us and say goodnight knowing we would be there hours. My Dad was a definite “don’t want my wife to work ever” kind of man, yet he encouraged me in education and leadership and was always proud of achievements. My Dad was a treasure to me and I have spoken to him often about the many things he has missed, but with a heart of hope that perhaps he hasn’t missed them, but is watching on…..Happy Father’s Day ……………………

Friday, June 18, 2010

Just yesterday a grandson came to join the family and yet as you look above today he is 9 and as handsome as can be! The passing of time remains a great mystery to me. An hour can go by and I wonder what I did. At the end of a day sometimes there is a great sense of accomplishment, but more often I wonder what I have been doing all day! If you are a grandma you will fully understand these 9 years have flown by- I don’t want to blink for fear tomorrow he’ll be a man! Taking time to enjoy the young is extremely special and gives to us the memories that will make us smile in the twilight years to come. Happy Birthday AJ- my favorite boy in the whole wild world! You are a gift of God to your Grandma and I am grateful for all the joy you have given to me!

Jesus said, “…Allow the little ones to come to me, and do not forbid or restrain or hinder them, for such as these is the kingdom of heaven composed.” Matthew 19: 14 Amp.

Of course the kingdom of heaven is composed of these- innocence, love, refuge, and contentment in the presence of Jesus! In all my efforts to get this plant to “grow up” perhaps I’ve missed a strong chapter about being” the child” of God. Hugs to all the babies in the world today………..

Monday, June 14, 2010

Almost daily I hear or see tmi (one of many new words used by texters as well as in conversation)- too much information!- and yet the other side is we yearn for the truth about each other- something easily understood and obvious. For example in the photo above is the extreme tmi- who cares what I look like right out of the shower? However there might be a lot of interest in how that can be transformed into someone you might want to look at!

Readers have said to me often they are amazed and blessed by the transparency in my writing that discloses things that no one ever knew about me. I find that intriguing as I have always considered myself a very open person. Thinking about that I realize that I am a selective sharer. I may tell a lot, but only what I want you to know. Only what I think you will respect. Only what I am very sure of and can back myself in. I’ve based that action on the verse “don’t cast your pearls before swine”. Pearls are the things of the heart that make us vulnerable to others. They are not yet ready to leave the shell- still soft and easily harmed which ruins their chances of ever being perfect. They must be protected by the shell until they are hard through and through. Obviously there exists a balance here most of us have yet to discover. The dilemma is that if I give you tmi it is like the little boy who cried wolf so often no one responded when the wolf was really there. If I don’t tell enough I may not be able to get the help I need to get out of the shell and remain hidden-hard- and yet beautiful for no one to enjoy.

Jesus in the only one who can handle we have to say so let’s first turn to Him. In all other communication we can be led by the Holy Spirit- be brave and don’t miss opportunity for quality relationships in this life- be quiet when you know in your heart you are not in a safe place. “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7…..

Friday, June 11, 2010

Many writers grace this family tree of mine. Passionate letters of strong opinions, defense of positions, and detailed advice have been delivered around the world as we are spread from Europe-Hawaii- California and throughout the states! My Aunt has published several of her poems and all of my children are avid writers. One daughter is studying to get her Masters in English Literature right now. My husband goes in and out of writing letters with more adjectives and detailed descriptions than you can imagine. My children and I have each one begun a book yet to be finished- nevertheless we write and perhaps one day we will enjoy “being discovered”! Yet one has to wonder how in a world of so many books there is always room for another!

Writing does several things for me:

1. It clarifies the feelings in my heart to put them on paper.

2. The door is open to share with someone or a group what may be difficult to express otherwise.

3. Opportunity to bless others sharing the experiences of your path of life is greater- especially now that we have internet and blogs!

4. It gives me purpose that my life may be observed by someone past my time in life who undoubtedly will be facing a world more difficult than the one we struggle with at present.

This is why I’m sharing with you (you are reading it now!) and whether you are one or few doesn’t matter. It is a calling in my heart and I give all the praise to God if anything you’ve ever read brings you closer to the Lord or wiser in His ways. Most of all I hope you laugh (which is why I include the  photo showing my magnetism to phrases that make me laugh) - it is truly is the best medicine for life…….

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Yesterday I got some news that was very sad. It’s not that we don’t get sad news every single day as we all do, but this was deeply personal. It was no coincidence to me that in the morning I had praised for a long time at the piano and prayed for an hour. (Sorry to admit that is not every morning!) God prompted me and I responded not knowing what He knew was headed my way. As a result I was more prepared, though not able to be happy and dancing as my grandchildren’s life size art replicas of themselves portray in the photo above. I was, however, able to be at peace knowing God was at my side. Many of us carry a burden that doesn’t go away. The Message Bible expresses well what I feel today:

“God is strong and He wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use to you will be able to stand up to everything the devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we’ll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all His angels. Be prepared. You’re up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all over but the shouting you’ll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You’ll need them throughout your life. God’s Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out.” Ephesians 6:10+ Have a blessed day………….

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

This year in my special corner of the house pictured above I am reading biographies. Today I began “Footprints of a Pilgrim- The life and loves of Ruth Bell Graham”. An easy read I highly recommend it! My thought has always been that to have your autobiography in print that you must have accomplished an extraordinary purpose in your life. I am amazed to read about very ordinary people, with ordinary situations – triumphs and failures just like mine. Granted they may have achieved something special that is beyond our imagination, but I like the line in the movie “Shall We Dance” when she describes marriage as being the person who records another’s life giving it true meaning. If what we do touches just one other person we may be as important as the fireman who pulls the child from the burning house.

There is not anything extraordinary about Planet Carol and yet with all my bumps and bruises I have shared in some very special things over the years. Each time that was true I was in a place of deep contentment knowing that the Lord was covering me. In between those events I often staggered in life. As I share my stories with others with transparent truth I often am told how encouraging they are. What we may be ashamed of, yet have overcome in time, is a nugget of hope for the reader who relates. Today it is pouring rain in Louisville- much needed at the moment. May God pour the rain of grace over us as we pursue today……

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Over the weekend I co-taught in a teacher training seminar with someone I had been instructed with on the National Level. It was my first time to actually do it and she had done it several times, so I readily agreed for her to take the lead. Up front she informed me she had developed her own “somewhat unorthodox” methods. I didn’t have time to discuss what that meant exactly so let it go. I made a decision right then and there to not be bothered by anything and just be grateful for her willingness to meet what was a pressing need here in Louisville.

Within the first hour it was clear unorthodox meant we were not going to follow the training book at all! Having the position of leadership over this program in Louisville I had to take a moment and declare I would be at peace no matter what. As we progressed into the day I jumped in to clarify and demonstrate what I considered important parts being missed which she gracefully allowed and appreciated. At the end of our first 10 hour day she grinned at me and said, “I was worried about this. At National you seemed to be a really strong by the book person.” I laughed and said I could be flexible! She said she could too and keep jumping in anywhere I felt necessary. I did and at the end of the next 10 hour day a dozen people left excited with the tools they would need to be successful.

Admittedly I was thrown off by her assessment of me at National. We only had a couple of conversations and none of them long. She sat at the front of the room of over 50 people and I was in the back. Yet she perceived "I was by the book" in that short encounter. There was a time I would have been proud of that perception, but I am not any more. Us “by the book” people often have tunnel vision. I have been known to take the Bible and only see what I want to see and what I’ve got down pat. As I resisted allowing my vision to broaden and let the Holy Spirit guide me into principles and truth that I needed I realize now I was simply not willing to embrace anything outside my comfort zone. Perhaps Planet Carol needs to review some skipped passages- I might be perceived a bit more appealing by those whose orbit I cross……

Friday, June 4, 2010

Can you imagine letting your child loose in the candy store pictured above and telling them they could choose 5 things they wanted. (The store also has the old fashioned ice cream counter, makes the candy there, and sports the original wooden floor with classic table and chairs!) How long would it take? How many times would they change their mind? If siblings were involved perhaps some deals would be made, “I’ll get this and share if you get that and share” etc… At what age could a child handle that decision without struggle? Perhaps the adult who has gone there their entire life and now knows what their favorite is.

The universe I live in seems to be like this candy store, but my candy store seems out of reach. Grandma isn’t here to take me. Mom’s on a fixed income and can’t take me. My husband’s hours have been cut so he can’t take me. I’ve lost 7 students for the summer do to the economy and I can’t take myself! Friends and family have lost jobs and finding themselves in some cases very dire circumstances so they also are cut off from the candy store.

For some reason this is the point I consider the Lord and His promise- ask and it will be given unto us, seek and we shall find, knock and the door will be opened. The truth is Planet Carol has a Father God whose pockets are full of candy which He loves to give His children. There are absolutely no limits to how many pieces we can have! It’s all there just waiting for us to dig in- Peace, love, joy, provision, healing, comfort, restoration, contentment, salvation from ourselves and so much more. I am on my way to the candy store………….

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Upgrading Planet Carol has required my getting out of the drivers seat. I’ve sat there so long it is perfectly contoured to my body! Who else knows the panel and what buttons to push as I do? Why I can fly without sleep- without thought-without a GPS and then again I’m here- at repair dock. Things I’ve learned outside the driver’s seat include:

1. The wind feels great on my face as my hair flies free (as pictured above).

2. Others have an amazing ability to carry on as if I never existed with comparable results- sometimes much better.

3. There are others who wanted to fly, but because I never let them they didn’t learn.

4. For years others wanted to give me advice to improve my skill, but in my independence I shut them out so they quit trying.

5. Though my relationship with Jesus is real and runs deep I haven’t trusted even Him to drive and thus missed out on the great joy of the ride!

When I was 13 I was playing piano in church. We left that church for awhile, but then returned. One of my friends was not happy about it. She got to play piano while I was gone. We shared after that. Humility isn’t really complicated. It’s clear in Isaiah 26:3, “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You.” Simply trusting God every minute and keeping Him in the driver’s seat…………..