Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Since several asked to sign up for my “Stop, Drop, Roll Class” I thought I would comment as I work through my course. It simply wouldn’t be possible for me to go from step one to step 3- I am one who when all else fails reads the directions. (Ooops- somehow I think I will be returning to that thought!) The fact is I fell yesterday. Off the bottom step of my front porch into the rocks and slammed my head into the wooden swing. Today I feel like I was run over by a Mac truck with a bump on my head and the left shoulder doesn’t want to stretch, but I am ok. There is an equally worse part to the story- I did this in front of a new piano student’s father and the humiliation of him trying to help me up would win me $100,000 on America’s Funniest Home Videos! As I meditated on this moment I realized that falling was supposed to be a choice and be exhilarating! Like skydiving, or parasailing (that's me above!) or riding a roller coaster (which I don't enjoy!). Participants are trained when, where, and how to fall. My first lesson in this class is when, where and how to drop. When I look at the life of Jesus these are some answers that I see:

1. Jesus knew when he needed to leave the crowds and get away to pray. He didn’t consult with anyone about the timing or consider the circumstances around Him- He knew He needed to pray and He left everything to be alone and drop to His knees before His father.

2. During His prayers God His Father revealed to Him when and why to drop His personal desires and needs and press on in obedience. These are clear when He was tempted in the wilderness and when He prayed before His arrest. He only did what the Father instructed Him to do and thus never stumbled. As the Son of God He never tried to do the Father’s work without God's specific direction.

3. Jesus did not allow any circumstance to control His destiny. Winds, waves, and His own tears at the death of Lazarus did not blur the truth that He was on a mission to save the world and had the power of God to grace Him to do it!

4. Lastly for this moment, I think of Jesus teachings to “Love your Enemies” and forgive always no matter what. We are a society so full of opinion and passionate in our causes that we simply don’t know how to drop it! Wonder what America would look like if we dropped all our cares and concerns and passions at the feet of Jesus and just loved one another……………….

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