Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ever try carrying something a bit too large or heavy for you to handle? The photo pictures determination at it’s best, but there is no doubt this drink will either be intercepted by an adult nearby or crash and spill at some point, even though he’s got it at the moment. Working with children is so funny because “they can do it” or “they already know how to do it” or “I’ve got this” and for the moment they truly do. However, usually in a short period of time the realization that you may have a better idea or that they may actually need to learn something new dawns. The hunger to discover overrides the arrogance of youth until that is mastered and then the cycle repeats itself.

Rare is the adult who is truly teachable until circumstances force a lesson. Someone said the other day they needed to hire someone willing to take instruction in stride without defense or bristling. I quickly replied I wasn’t that mature! We say we really want to learn. We even listen and take notes. But more often than not actually putting the new wisdom into practice immediately is sadly the rare exception. For some reason we are more apt to learn over time- after stumbling many times and hearing the same lesson repeated. In Luke chapter one Mary declares to the angel, “Behold he handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word”. In the same chapter she shares her rejoicing in the Lord who has given her the task of bearing God’s Son! I can hear the sarcastic remarks even from Christians who claim to believe the Bible to be God’s Word.- “If God sends an angel maybe I would respond in faith, but get real- who is going to believe I’m pregnant without a man. My life is over at 16! I don’t want to be pregnant anyway!  Come on- God wouldn’t ask me to do this!”

Fear of not being able to carry the burden is the primary reason I have not received many things that actually would have blessed me. Secondly I really don’t want to be bothered with spiritual responsibilities- I’ve got more on earth to deal with than I can handle right now. I see clearly that I have been more comfortable being on fire than submitting my life to the call of God in my heart- I refused to attend the Stop, Drop and Roll class over and over fearing that knowledge would require me to act outside my “comfort zone”. Unbelievable really. The one who plays “I Surrender All” regularly at the piano has found out I surrender when I’m comfortable. When I go for the McDonalds cup pictured above there will be tears and screaming- that cute grandson wants that drink. God won’t grab my drink out of my hand. He will simply stand there offering to take it. It will be my choice to allow Him to be in all the details of my life………………….

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