Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Making a choice is an intriguing subject to study in humanity. As in all areas of life there are innumerable ways of going about it. I have been blessed with some very expensive purses as gifts that my daughters drool over and one of their friends even said “you know what you are carrying don’t you?” They are like cars to me- I only know I like the color, comfort as I carry purse/drive car, and the right amount of space to meet my daily routines. Visiting my granddaughter’s classroom didn’t involve comparing work displayed, whatever had her name on it was my choice for most wonderful! Age definitely changes our perspective on choices. I had a scrunchie in my hair when my daughter dropped by the other day and she threatened me if I wore it out of the house. Didn’t I know those were no longer in fashion?????

As I have been meditating on Planet Carol’s need to Stop, Drop, and Roll it has opened up a truth about me that I would have fought hard in the past to defend myself and say it was a lie. The truth? There are a lot of things I have chosen not to care about. That may sound lame to you, but for someone who believes that they care about everybody and everything…. lives life to be sure that all works well around you…..believes they are God’s right hand helping to keep it right…..convinced your heart is pure- even say “I don’t care what you think- I know my heart before God!” Well, I have discovered a good heart can be dead wrong. Most of my “drops” in life I discussed yesterday were the result of bad choices made with a good heart. Made with a heart limited to the knowledge and experience it had already gained. Somewhere on the journey I quit upgrading ignorant of the fact that just maintaining what I had severely limited my ability to make good choices. I saw myself using a scrub-board down at the creek to wash my clothes unaware that the washing machine was available!

Granted purses, cars, and artwork are choices that really don’t matter. But to choose to work instead of facing hurts, Television instead of talking to friends and family, food instead of seeking God, shopping (without checking the account) instead of exercise, and on the list goes bringing this result: Disconnected. Instead of being the “caring person” I was a lost person. In some of those places I was actually running away! Recently I have made a decision to stop and drop just to dig deep into my injured heart and pull out what really matters to me. I am young and know that it is never too late for God to work in me if I choose to allow Him to make adjustments. They aren’t painless or easy to get used to, but in the end we are really the person we think we are.

“Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31

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