Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ok. It’s time to end the Stop, Drop and Roll Class so I offer my friends the final chapter. The subject today is Roll. The pony above was a guest at Vacation Bible School this summer. He has been instructed to choose the ball from a few items on the ground. Look closely- it that really a ball? He thinks it is and agreement comes from the clapping of the crowd watching. Close inspection however quickly lets us know that there are problems with this ball that will keep it from rolling smoothly- a handle he uses to pick it up. None of us would choose this ball to play with as it obviously isn’t going to roll like a “real” ball is designed to do. As I have stopped to look closely at myself this past year I have discovered there are things attached to me that keep me from rolling out of the flames and into places that are available to enhance my life. Others watching me noticed those things and offered suggestions. God tried to stop me and make corrections- but I did not respond.

Planets are round. Some have fancy circles and colors. So, if we view Saturn and see a handle coming off the side like the pony’s ball above, it would be on the news! Everyone would see the obvious- something not normal was happening- and fear of possible repercussions on earth would spread.

There is only one way to roll- be perfectly round. And there is only one way to get there- Let God mold you. I am finding whenever I stop and spend time on the Potter’s wheel, drop all resistance to His work being done in me, only then can He toss me into my place and the rolling leads me to places that are fun! I relate to Isaiah 55:12-“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” Now I truly am the smooth ball hitting its mark that everyone wants to play with……

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