Thursday, September 16, 2010

In the beginning there was the happy little couple setting up house combining all their possessions and bending over backwards to make each other happy- even if it meant giving up a favorite chair or lamp. Life was shared and problems and projects were always attacked together- life was pretty much always fun. Along came a new job, baby number one and why not- when he is one month old lets move across the country and start a new adventure! The first major crisis I remember was the baby crying and my hubby yelling for me to grab the other end of the couch and help him carry it up a flight of stairs!

Today I have decided to dwell on what does the drop in “Stop, Drop, and Roll” truly mean to Planet Carol when I find myself in flames? Here are a few things it has meant over the years: collapse, spending a week or two in bed fighting illness, yelling at both the guilty and the innocent around me- packing a suitcase and leaving alone for a few days- long walks in the middle of the night-and lots of cold creamy ice cream too soothe the burns!

Somewhere through the years a new “drop” evolved- in this drop others would see me on fire and run spraying me with encouraging words, temporarily give me space, wrap me up with a little extra love and then I would come up with my brilliant recovery plan- get busy! Work more! Take on extra projects! Busyness camouflaged the pain of the burn.

When I began to blog I had discovered that in my years of busyness I had not healed and no longer had the strength physically to stay busy. Pain emerged. All the ice cream in the city couldn’t soothe it anymore. It was time to drop my useless coping activities and find the truth. Just like our beautiful front porch (designed and built by hubby mentioned above) sported beautiful light fixtures for a couple of years that were only seen in the daylight. People thought they were so great having no idea they didn’t work. Then last week the lights actually came on! To drop something is to find the way to get the lights working and repent- to realize that what I have been doing has not brought the result I have tried very hard to rationalize it was ( I could look very together in the daylight!). I needed to drop the busyness and move on toward what is real. Jesus is the only way from darkness into light. Casting my busyness at His feet was very humbling for me to do- after all I had been His star student for so long…not……but God looked upon my heart with mercy and love and I am finding being His is all I need- not the stardom.

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