Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Seems like everywhere we go there are cones and yellow caution tapes directing us away from danger. Food labels warn us, prescriptions now come with 6 typed pages of side affects, toys are marked not to give to children under 3 and on and on the warnings go. I have not heeded warnings well and have come to a place that consequences are trying to take over. Why haven’t I heeded the warnings? I must confess that part of it has led me to repent of a self righteous arrogance which is quite different from when I am standing in faith before God. Secondly I have to confess that my coping methods to comfort myself have become so strong I look like a child who won’t give up their “blankie” even though it is full of holes and there is little comfort to grab onto. This year has been the year of letting go. Letting go of control in situations I have no power to change. Letting go of many fears and truly putting my trust in God. Letting go of expectations and being content where I find myself. (Just to mention a few!)

Someone asked me the other day what my new goals were right now. “Stop, drop and roll” I said to their surprise. You see I am a fireman. The planet loaded with hoses, water tanks, helmets and first aid of every kind. I spend little time working on the equipment at the docking station- I am out as the “quick responder” ready to save the world. This week I realized I had missed an important training class. Stop, Drop & Roll.  When I catch on fire in the midst I just keep running on trying to save others until I get sick from the fumes, burnt so badly I don’t recognize myself in the mirror, or simply drop and become the one carried off on the stretcher from pure exhaustion. Recognizing that I am on fire is difficult for someone who pays so little attention to themselves where it counts. I am more comfortable out there directing the rescue of others than I am taking care of my own health, physically, mentally and spiritually. I see clearly that if I were to die today I may be remembered with some admiration and love, but it would be a life cut short due to neglect of oneself that would be my true legacy. I decided today to take the Stop, Drop & Roll class. Somewhere in the course I am sure to find Psalm 119:133, “Direct my footsteps according to Your Word- let no sin rule over me.” It may be the hardest course of my life, but somehow I already know you will like me better………….

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