Tuesday, October 5, 2010

This morning I woke up to a text that startled me and responded before even a sip of coffee. It proved not to be bad news, but rather a huge blessing. Then I made phone calls to address health concerns. I started cleaning from the weekend in order to set up my studio for the week. Then I thought about Jesus being with me and went to the piano to worship and spend time with Him. Things were smooth after that. Reality hit me that as much as I say what I am and what I do believe- my actions speak louder than words. My day could have had a more peaceful start if only I had gotten the order right. Time with Jesus first!

It has been a lifelong challenge- partly because I hate routine and on the positive side because I know He’s there all the time even if I am not thinking straight. Either way I am robbing myself of the daily strength, joy and wisdom He has for me when I don’t have a conversation with Him early in the day. Some would question my true love for God, commitment to Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life with this honest admission. God doesn’t- He knows me. He wants to talk to me, but he won’t make me sit and listen, He is there whenever I turn my attention fully to Him.

Often I miss a very special moment the Lord had planned. I get a glimpse of what was- like looking at the photo above. It was a special moment but since it is completely out of focus I don’t get to enjoy it. Just as I have busily scurried through space thinking I was keeping the universe from falling apart I applied “my creative ideas” over the years to fix this. I even bought a 2 cup coffee pot to plug in by my bed so I didn’t even have to get out of bed to wake up enough to have some time with the Lord! Nothing worked as I am a professional circumstance excuser- I could convince you and sound perfectly and even admirably righteous about why my morning commitment is not kept daily.

“By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.” Proverbs 24:3-4

There is always the possibility to change and the Bible says God’s mercy is new every morning. Though I will walk with the Lord all day today, tomorrow morning I will take advantage of that mercy so that His wisdom can fill me before I start- there is a rare and beautiful treasure I don’t want to miss…….

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