Thursday, October 7, 2010

If the early bird gets the worm, why am I so chubby? Oh, I forgot- I used to get up before the sun, but these days I am definitely more in the night owl category. Driving my husband to work today I was reminded of the freshness in the early morning that is never reproduced any other time of day. The frost sits unmelted and untouched by footprints. The glimpse of the sun rising lasts only moments before it’s full. Individual sounds are audible and we notice a dog bark, a door close, or a single car drive by. Children are even quiet at the early morning bus stop.

Perhaps I sound “old” talking this way, but I feel the opposite. Morning is the awaking to life. Most all of us are very aware of the morning rush that leaves us feeling frustrated and overwrought wondering if our kids will be marred as we toss them pop tarts. We throw them in the car hollering heartfelt I love yous even though are minds have already gone to what is going to be the result of our being late! (For all you home school Mom’s who think this doesn’t apply read it anyway- I know too many of you and getting off the home routine can cause more stress and upset than the Mom’s driving kids to school!) If we live our life stuck in routine and are convinced change is not possible that person is no longer even reading this. But if you are reading, you believe somewhere deep in your heart you have control and truly desire not to miss anything special for yourself or your family. We can choose to start our day with moments that reflect the parts of life that are the most important to us.

Here are some tips for making the morning peaceful that have worked for Planet Carol. These may not be what will work for you- but let your imagination free and change something:

1. Before you go to bed decide what is bothering you the most- dust- the email you haven’t written- unfinished work assignment- your hair needs color, etc…. Make a decision how you can fix that one thing and follow through. Believe it or not that will change the pressure level you wake up with in the morning.

2. (the least favorite) Get up 30 minutes earlier than usual (or 30 minutes before those twins wake up!)

3. Sip your wake up drink a few minutes in silence in your favorite chair before starting the routine- You deserve a minute to breathe and will handle the stress you face more calmly having had this moment rather than the 30 minutes in bed.

4. Discover a way to wake the children besides hollering, “If you don’t get up you won’t get any breakfast!” Our children can still sing all the songs on the Patriotic Mickey Mouse Record we played on the phonograph player on school mornings. My granddaughter is a different person if you sit and hug and talk a few minutes before asking her to get up.

5. Decide on outfits before you go to bed. If tomorrow is going to be extra rushed it never marred my grandkids to sleep in their school outfit as shocking as it seemed to me!

6. Have a family prayer in the car on the way to wherever you go each person taking a turn throughout the week. Have a favorite scripture you say every day- Kids love repetition and we adults need it! Don’t play the radio- sing if you want music!

7. For all you single people- pray as you start your day- peace begins with individuals who seek it sincerely in their own hearts.

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying  This is the way; walk in it."  Isaiah 30:21

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