Thursday, October 28, 2010

Some days are just dancing days! The first kiss, the raise, the job acquired, the new born baby (or perhaps two!), but the best spontaneous dance comes when we are given a gift unexpected. One that is truly a miracle that only God can do! I remember a song I’ve taught children for years:

Oh who can make a flower?
I know I can’t can you?
Oh who can make a flower?
No one but God it’s true!

There are a thousand verses for this song for so much in life only God can do. If you are anything like me you’ve spent a lot of planet rotations trying to make something appear, change, or disappear- only to discover no one but God can do it!  Today God showed up for our family and did what we could not do! And we dance and give Him all the glory! We stand in faith doing our best to obey the leading of the Holy Spirit.  Together we seek God to adjust our character stuffing us full of the fruit of His love and mercy. Letting patience work is hard. But longsuffering pays off building irrevocable trust in the God we love and serve.  Opening our ears wide to His voice guides us to the miracle. God moves and we dance as David danced- many join with us, but others may not approve and distance themselves from a joy they cannot understand- but we dance in awe of a living loving God who is here………………………..

“By standing firm you will gain life.” Luke 21:10 Message Bible

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