Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Stop or Go? Linger or Hurry? What is it that is driving our decision making on a daily basis? A red stoplight generally stops someone, but not always. The yellow light really leaves the door open for individual interpretation. At a luncheon or a party what causes us to linger or hurry away? Is the stress of life for everyone so high pitched we just simply can’t allow ourselves to decide to enjoy the moment until we are fulfilled; work until we have reached our goal; linger in a conversation until each has been able to have their say; read until the climax appears; help someone until they are ready to be alone?

Granted there are responsibilities in this life and they are real. But a life ruled by responsibilities has little satisfaction because in the end the responsibilities have used us up and we no longer have definition. I know- I am the author of Finding Planet Carol. I am happy to report that finding her has been very rewarding and very freeing. I really like her and she is definitely fun to be with. Why? I have discovered that in every minute of every day there is a choice and I am free to make it. Walking closer in the presence of the Holy Spirit I find guidance in what many would consider the silliest of things for the Holy Spirit to spend His “holy time” bothering with. It is amazing how I am drawn to the lilies in the field……

Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. (Matt. 6:28-29)

The beauty in me is the presence and flow of God that comes through this vessel. Nothing I can do can compare to what He does when I submit to His decision each moment of the day. Others see that- others want that- others know it is not something Planet Carol accomplished, but rather they see the supernatural coming through a human.

Am I making the Holy Spirit decisions all day every day now? Nope. But when I do I feel as free and beautiful as a field of lilies (or a pot of tulips) at sunrise……………….

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