Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It was just routine- the annual check up. The kind you take along a snack and a good book as you never know how long it may take! After running a few errands I arrived needing to stop at the restroom. I asked at the check in desk and she said I could go back in a minute. Since I was going she requested that I take get a” little cup” off the table in there and bring them a sample. The minute seemed like an hour and by the time they opened the door I was running. I locked the door and turned to see the commode was at the end of the room which was oblong and about 6 feet long. I tossed my purse down and sat grateful I had made it. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the “little cups”. They were placed right by the door 6 feet away! I managed to stop and keeping my legs together did an Olympic dash for a cup- I only knocked off one of the 2 stacks. Grabbing a stray I waddled back to the commode awkwardly getting the cup in place- it quickly overflowed.

Relieved I set the cup on the handicap rail while I put myself together. Reaching for the soap I knocked the cup off. Doing a mid-air catch I managed to save about 1/8 of the contents- the rest splattered all over the room. At this point they were knocking on the door asking if I was ready. I grabbed paper towels and threw them all over the floor. Washed my hands and outside of the little cup. There was a justifiable concern about how I might smell since I wasn’t sure if the splatter hit my jeans. Staff knocked again and I calmly opened the door handing her my cup. “I hope that is enough” I said “there was a little accident. I am so sorry, but the bathroom will need attention before any one else goes in there. I heard the CNA’s 4 letter word as I was ushered into a room.

“There’s a time to laugh, and a time to cry” (Ecclesiastes 3:4).

I chose to laugh.

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” Proverbs 17:22

I left the office laughing and feeling better than I had in awhile.

Planet Dad was always telling Planet Carol to lighten up. Perhaps if I had listened this time of repair and healing may have never been necessary. To all my planet friends who have their own stories let’s give ourselves permission to laugh at our blunders today! Tomorrow will come, so let's be as healthy as possible to face it……..

1 comment:

  1. oh dear mean they don't give you those sterilized bottle with caps?!!!!
