Tuesday, October 12, 2010

One day there will be a bestseller out there called Sweet Pea Time. A children’s story I plan to write based on my granddaughter who only has one speed- her own. She is unmoved by “Hurry up!”, “Run, we’re late!” or “Buckle your seat belt right now!” I have watched her for 7 years now and though she may change her direction, she remains in control of how fast she actually responds. Though that trait may be somewhat frustrating at times, it is also a picture of the world through a child’s eyes- a child who likes to focus on the details of wherever her mind may be at the present. What I am quick to call disobedience- closer scrutiny reveals her response to be more like God than I. He is timeless, time free. God definitely has an agenda and a plan, but the thought that a day is like a thousand years to God puts busyness and hurry into perspective.

Slowing down can be laziness no doubt about it, but it also amazingly proves to often be more productive. The turtle wins the race with the rabbit because he stays steady, focused, and undistracted. Many have been the days I am totally exhausted and at the end of the day it is hard to tell you what I was doing!  Often I was showing off like the rabbit in the race and losing in the end! I am convinced there has never been a generation who needs to consider more seriously what is truly important and focus time there before all opportunity to do so disappear. Many of us are living in the long list of things needed to be done and the piles of stuff we simply walk around overwhelmed in our inability to face the mess we’ve made. For life to become more satisfying we will have to clean up the mess to be able to live in God’s desire- that we are joyful!

“This is the day the Lord has made- let us rejoice and be glad in it” Psalm 118:24

While we are cleaning up our mess here is another verse to paste on the mirror:

“You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God,
you will receive what he has promised.” Hebrews 10:36

Now let me think, who can I get to help me clean up this mess, I will never be able to do it myself, nor do I want to............looks like I may need to read this again..............................

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