Thursday, January 28, 2010

Whether we have really thought about it or not we all have certain people in our life that have made a lasting impression on us. I still can picture my 6th grade teacher- Mr. Nowns- who started each day by putting his chair on top of his desk which signaled we could discuss anything we chose (within reason of course) for the next 10 minutes and he would moderate. I actually fell in love with him and in hindsight I think it was because he was the first adult I had known who really listened to me and allowed as well as encouraged me to think for myself. I’m sure that is why he is the first name to pop out as I am floating in the universe feeling that I am alone- a step I must take is to trust myself to make decisions that are right for me. Amongst trillions of people on the earth who are the handful that have mentored me and why? In addition President Kennedy’s famous speech, "And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country", is not an easy question to answer on an individual level. History proves that it is the people we connect to and join with that usually results in something significant being accomplished.

A step I’ve taken this year is to read autobiographies of people I have admired and felt have contributed something special in their life. I began with Lester Summeral, world renowned church builder, speaker, writer, and founder of Feed the Hungry. Upon finishing the book I decided I had very little insight into what obeying God means- and those of you who know me know that I have considered myself to be a person who obeys the Lord. The recent passing of Oral Roberts put his autobiography next on my list. Both men are highly controversial especially in the Christian community. Whether you love them or hate them it is undeniable they achieved great influence in their lifetime that had a direct affect on many people and all over the world there are individuals who testify to their lives being changed- their quality of life both physically and spiritually improving and how forever grateful they are to God for these men. I am also reading a book a friend shared with me “Three Cups of Tea” which tells an amazing story of Greg Mortenson who out of gratefulness to impoverished Pakistanis for saving his life has built 55 schools particularly for girls in a culture that was impossible for this to happen, but it did. The point is that I feel that aside from my immediate family and friends my life is not one that impacts much. Then yesterday I reunited with a friend from years ago. We were neighbors when we had our first child and both our husbands worked at night so we often played together and then after the kids went to sleep played a lot of scrabble. We moved a year later, but over the years our paths crossed a few times and she lived with her 2 kids near us for a while. Her daughter was born several years later than my girls so except when they visited and the time we lived close I didn’t know her well. The same day I reconnected with my friend her daughter asked to be my friend on face book. I accepted saying how honored I was that she even remembered me. This is her response:
“How could I ever forget! What a wonderful example of family and God's love you all showed me as a girl! Thank you for that! Hope everyone is well! Keep in touch!”

Oral Roberts said several things that caught my attention in the introductory pages. He said he learned to believe his beliefs and doubt his doubts. Planet Carol lost orbit doubting everything about life. It is time to decide and trust what I believe….....


  1. Testing to see if my comment posting is activated properly

  2. tricia.sloan@att.netJanuary 28, 2010 at 9:46 AM

    Looks like it's activated properly. Today is Whitney's birthday. She's 31. Where has the time gone??!! Love you Carol. Tricia
