Monday, January 25, 2010

When Mr. Darcy describes his expectations from a woman in Pride and Prejudice, I love it when Lizzie says she has never seen such a woman and doubts that such a woman exists! Even if you don’t attend church somewhere at a Hallmark store you have seen a card describing the perfect woman in Proverbs 13- if you have matched her perfection please let me know as I have yet to meet her! In finding planet carol the main question is what kind of a woman am I and how to get her into action is the pressing question. We all have some that have made an impression on our lives and have become a mentor of sorts and could make a list of the qualities that we admire in them. Mine would go something like this:
1. Ability to stay calm no matter how strong the “storm is raging”
2. Having wisdom, but not necessarily sharing it right away- but knowing the right time.
3. Having true compassion for people both in their victories and in their needs.
4. Willing to give all the time, but even more gracious in receiving.
5. Quick to forgive.
6. Quick to share their gifts and talents with others.
7. Challenger to all those around her to be the person Jesus want them to be and have no fear or shame in being that herself.

I think Mr. Darcy would be ok with her. Sounds like the proverbial woman. Well- I haven’t met her yet- only pieces of her in those I esteem the most. I am at peace today with the fact that my greatest sin in this life is one of pride- that I could become her on my own, in my own strength. As I read my list of seven things some where in my life I have been that woman on one or two points- maybe as many as four at a time! But I have never been all seven- 24/7! I have now decided to rewrite my list based on James 1:12 (MSG Bible) “Anyone who meets a testing challenge head-on and manages to stick it out is mighty fortunate. For such persons loyally in love with God, the reward is life and more life.” New list:
1. Stay loyally in love with God
2. Stay loyally in love with God
3. Stay loyally in love with God
4. Stay loyally in love with God
5. Stay loyally in love with God
6. Stay loyally in love with God
7. Stay loyally in love with God

God is forming my clay and as the bumper sticker has said for years- He is not finished with me yet…………………………………………..

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