Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It’s a home run!  Kids never consider that there won’t be one.  The excitement and anticipation of what is inevitable in their minds is more than enough to keep them involved (plus of course a hot dog!)  When was the last time I jumped for joy?  Oh, it was yesterday when I got two seven letter words in a row on my scrabble games!  Of course hearing that I was to be a grandma again would be on my “jump for joy list” this year, but the truth is if I only jump for joy when the astounding or amazing happens it is a wake-up call that I am forgetting how to play.  The countenance of a child who is not allowed to play is not a pleasant sight.  Being the transparent person that I am the same is true for me- people know when I am not taking time to play because I am not as pleasant to be around.  Being raised by a Navy Chief Petty officer meant play was earned at my house.  The chore list ruled and inspections were tiresome and sometimes fearsome!  “Will I get to play?” was the question lingering in my mind.
An important part of my journey this past year has been relearning to play.  I had been trained so well that I have felt guilty for playing anytime I hadn’t worked really hard to earn it.  I am amazed I still have friends who have put up with that over the years- always too busy earning the right and rarely giving myself freedom to enjoy myself even after a job well done!  People actually did avoid me at times knowing I would do my best to con them into joining me in my workaholic activities which in and of themselves were “righteous and good”.  Today I am going to play because people who love me want to interact with a happy, rested, focused person.  Everyone has their own personal issues going on so a breath of fresh air is always welcome- a reason to hope!  No one likes to be preached to, but most of us are relieved to find a place where we can relax and just enjoy life for a moment.  My hope is in God.  Thankfully His Word is “Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.”  Psalm 31:24.  I can do that playing…….

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