Friday, April 2, 2010

This morning I walked out onto our front porch to take a coffee break and was startled to see tree blossoms in my front yard. It took a moment to think about how that could be- I could only remember seeing them in neighbors yards. Then it hit me. The blossoming tree had always been there, but hidden by the huge maple that had graced over our front porch all 20 years we have lived here. It was such a sad day when we cut it down, but now spring is here and I am enjoying blossoms in my own front yard! How many things have I not seen because something else has always blocked my vision? When we are distracted by pain or hurt our vision becomes blocked just as surely as if a huge tree were in front of us. As healing comes to us we see things that were always there, but we just didn’t see because of our inability to focus. There are days in space dock repairs Planet Carol becomes distracted or feels hopeless about pulling through. Over and over I have to remind myself:

“I will lift up mine eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. “Psalm 121:1-3.

The blossoms this morning are my hope image for a continuing journey that holds pleasant surprises as I wake up to health in my body, soul, and spirit. God is not asleep! He is alive and well…………...

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