Monday, April 12, 2010

Have you ever hit delete? If you are as “savvy” as I with modern technology it could be a very dangerous button. I keep thinking I’ve learned my lesson, but keeping up with the latest is beyond my reach and reading the operations manual is simply out of the question! To date my particularly dramatic experiences include:

1. About 10 years ago I typed a complete 25 page employee manual I created. Just as I finished the computer went crazy and I lost the whole thing- hours of work- because I hadn’t saved as I went along.

2. About 2 years ago my computer got a virus and I lost some valuable material, though a wonderful technician recovered most of it- I didn’t know about flash drives to back up my stuff.

3. Yesterday driving home from a wonderful trip to Virginia with my husband I thought my camera was warning me I was almost out of space. I began to delete single pictures to make room. Then a screen popped up and asked me if I wanted to delete all the pictures on the camera. I quickly responded- I thought I said no! The camera thought I said yes! Immediately it started the process and frantically I hit every button including the off button to stop it to no avail. There were irreplaceable family photos as well as a couple hours of work photographing the town where Jim’s family lived with the intention of making a book for his Aunt.

So often we assume we are safe from calamity just going on as if nothing can touch us. Then in a moment- we hit the wrong button and life changes. We get a diagnosis we are unprepared to deal with. An accident steals a loved one away and there are unsaid words never to be uttered. There is some programming that my planet needs installed more carefully, to be reviewed often, memorized for moments of distress that may require manual control. It is the Word of God. “Cast all your care upon Him, for He careth for you”- “Trust in the Lord and lean not to your own understanding”- “We love Him because He first loved us”- “My God shall supply all my needs according to HIS RICHES”- “Go ye into all the world and preach the GOOD NEWS!” “For lo, I AM with you always-even to the end of the world”………

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