Wednesday, April 7, 2010

In my universe we celebrate firsts in a big way. First steps (mine pictured above), first birthdays (In Hawaii this is a huge extended family affair costing “a bit of change”), first words, first day of school, first job, etc….. This first comes as a result of an expected destination in life. For those who do not make those expected achievements sadness and challenge may interrupt life in unexpected ways we are not prepared for. For those who do the celebration is fun, but then it is back to routine and onto the next goal in the path of development. In the human world there is only one first. As adults first impressions, first college grades, first attempt at business or investment, first loves all become more stressful. If we goof it up we have to work harder to make it the next time.

Planet Carol has had so many re-tries in my rotations that I am dizzy and fight strong doubts about whether or not I can really make it in certain areas. Starting over after 200 well meaning attempts becomes almost absurd. I am reminded of the saying “If you continue to do what you have always done, you will get what you have always gotten”.

Well, I’ve done it lots of ways, but seem to get the same results anyway- usually short term! If I choose to try again it takes overwhelming effort just to start!

The good news of this day and for the future of all planets sharing my universe is that with God- His mercy is new every morning. Once forgiven- He forgets. The firsts go on and on. I will choose something today and though my mind conceives it as “here we go again” I will allow God to give me wisdom as He sees my first attempt- they are a joy to Him as much as my first step to my parents……….

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