Thursday, September 6, 2012

“Talking to you is like going out to stand in the sunshine.”  This text I received today is a definite reminder that we all have something to share within ourselves that can bless another.  My personal sunshine has a lot of cloud gathering around it, but the sun still shines and I have the choice to share it.  I have a choice to go out and stand in it.  Best of all I have the choice to receive it into my heart, mind and soul straight from the Lord every day.  For me every time I bless another person joy dances all over my inner being to the point I sometimes see my belly bounce!
Earlier this year I unexpectedly and suddenly lost my Mom.  We shared a lot of fun times in the last years of her life and shared so many laughs together.  My granddaughter came to me and said, “Am I still going to have a happy grandma this summer?”  The question caught me off guard as I assured her that in my moment of sadness there would still be plenty of happiness for her and I to share.  It surprised me when the insight of my sweet grand girl had truth in it and there were many camp days I had to dig deep to overcome the grief I carried- but the joy of the Lord was my strength.  The memories of Mom are a constant source of joy.  Sharing life with those around me is my greatest source of happiness as I am so blessed by my family and close friends.
Presently I am recovering from a recent illness and after several weeks just now resuming most of my normal life.  About a week ago my granddaughter came through the front door and stood in front of me with her hands on her hips.  “You aren’t going to hire an assistant grandma are you?” she said.  “I don’t want any assistant grandma making pancakes, helping me with spelling words and having sleepovers!”  I was stunned as I assured her there would be no assistant!
What a beautiful gift is the rising of the sun every morning.  Every morning is a new opportunity to make whatever we want out of it.  Sadly I know few if any people who do not have real struggles and challenges in their lives and the world overall is less safe, less stable, and less life motivating these days.  All the more reason I return to my blog today.  If just one person receives sunshine from my words or actions it is a day of great accomplishment……….

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