Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Heartfelt genuine remembrance without debate and without blame brings us together today in a unity so universal it is surreal.  We all know where we were- I was at an ATM machine that had a TV attached that showed CNN.  When Kennedy was shot I was in class at school and it came over the intercom.  Some of us cried and others actually shouted in anger and unbelief and that was elementary school kids.  Disaster is the universal tool that brings us out of our own lives and into life together.  Katrina-Tsunami- Earthquake- Forest Fires- Tornados- Floods-War Casualties and more bring unity to the most diverse of communities.  The heroes of each and every one of these events deserve every moment of honor they receive.  My prayers especially go out to those who have not found peace in the midst of any disaster and clear direction for their future.
Having said that I would like to define the word crisis:  to separate; the turning point of a disease for better or for worse; a decisive or crucial time, stage, or event.  On a personal level most of us are in a crisis.  It may be physical- marriage relationships- overwhelming financial situations just to mention a few common ones.  Crisis being a step below disaster is often not surrounded by a unified empathy for one another as I stated above.  In fact most of us feel most alone in these times.  Perhaps this is a day to consider that every day someone we know is in crisis that is accompanied by pain, helplessness, and feeling there is no way out- no hope.  Today let us ask ourselves how do we respond to these people in our lives?  Do we debate- blame and keep our distance?  Life is very precious and all too short.  May God give us grace to daily be the person someone can reach out too and find empathy, patience, and encouragement…and even believe there is a beautiful sunset in their future………(Special thanks to nephew John for Photograph above)

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