Wednesday, September 26, 2012

After a summer of enduring day after day of one hundred degrees as the average temperature our fall rains this week not only are refreshing to me but welcome!  Temperatures seventy and below are the bonus!  If it had been a cool summer I would be complaining!  This creation called human is incredibly difficult to please.  Very few of us remain constant and content- the majority of us find it normal to be on a roller coaster ride based on our feelings any particular hour which are most often affected by circumstances beyond our control- like the weather!  I love the scene where Spock the Vulcan is asked by a machine, “How do you feel?”   Even the fictional machine programmed for humanity knows a human always has a feeling going on!

If your feelings are anything like mine they are usually a pile up- each vying for “top billing” of the moment.  Right this very minute I can identify these feelings within me:   refreshment (weather); concern (personal issues);   happiness (new baby born to friend); irritation (unfair situation for a friend); compassion (several circumstances I deeply care about); anger (everything takes “more” money); conflicted (shoulder surgery or not); lazy (don’t want to do all the projects I am looking at); gratefulness (for great friends and family); honored (called favorite SIL on fb); excited (got a 98 point word on scrabble); embarrassed (using the men’s room instead of the women’s) and on and on it goes!

Perhaps you see this blog as just plain silly and a lady just going on about nothing.  The truth is life is in the moment and if we can truly comprehend how normal our feelings are then we have taken the first step to improving the quality of those moments. Think of the Bingo ball that is popped up and called- whatever feeling pops up just look at your card. If it is staring you in the face then deal with it and cover it up.  Other times it is so insignificant it doesn’t even show up on the card and we can let it go!  Let’s not sit at the card table long.   The sweetest life is the one about us- not the one about me.  Me is never satisfied but us- we can laugh together and lighten the loads for each other and in our relationships feel genuinely content with our lives…….


1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful blog. I have never thought about multiple feelings at the same time. While in therapy I was told I was a withholder and of being passive aggressive, both of which are bottling up your feelings. I still have trouble expressing feelings. That is why I enjoy our cell group. We should all get to the point in our group that we have the trust to share completely our lives with each other
    Now feeling (joy, excitement, sadness, reluctance,
    anticipation, blessedness, loneliness, etc. etc. etc.)
