Thursday, August 5, 2010

This morning I woke up at my daughter’s apartment. What I am about to say sounds like fiction, but I am absolutely telling the truth! Tuesday afternoon both back car windows fell down into the doors and wouldn’t come up. After working out car credit (which is easier than root canal credit to get) I was told it would be 3 hours. My 9 year old grandson was along so we walked about 4 city blocks in intense heat to reach the local bowling alley! After hydrating myself and breathing normally again we enjoyed ourselves in a very “cool” setting. My cool meant cool, his cool meant moving lights and shining stars in the alley. We made it back more comfortably and all was well as “I signed my life away one more time!”

Wednesday I woke up early to attend a wonderful piano teacher’s workshop put on by Mr. Faber himself! I left there and the temp was 102 with heat index of 118. I had to drive 15 minutes to reach a bearable temperature in the car. Picked up my mom (soon to turn 80) and left car running so she could stay cool. After her appointment I went out to start the car only to find the left front tire almost flat. I drove to my house close by knowing I wouldn’t make it to her place on that tire. After a couple hours of sharing pictures on face book with Mom and (to her delight) chatting with some family, I realized that I was still hot even though mom seemed fine. About that time my husband came to deal with the tire accompanied by my sister who was taking Mom home. They noticed the house wasn’t as cool as usual and upon checking my husband said the compressor may have burnt up. A minute later my sister said my copier wasn’t working. Cable was also malfunctioning when I tried to turn the news on for mom. I looked at my husband and said “We are going to be like Job.” and he interrupted declaring, “You are not going to die!” Laughing I let him know I meant we were going to trust God no matter what!”

It is 11:15 Thursday morning. The air is fixed- it was the capacitor which I am told is the motor that runs the compressor. The check’s a “little hot” but we are cool again! Many are the trials we face, but when faced with peace that God has us covered and we humble ourselves to receive from Him through loving family and caring friends we can retain our peace that passes all understanding and carry His joy in the midst………..

1 comment:

  1. Once again you have been able to share your experiences of the day even as a rainbow reveals the beauty of the Master Artists' Hands. Through your personal relationship with Christ,the Light of the World, you took what seemed to be 'drowning waters',shined the Ray of Hope upon them and turned them into a 'refreshing' for my soul. Thank you my friend
