Thursday, August 12, 2010

What can we blame it on- the economy- the heat-the unpleasant encounter with someone you thought loved you- the weight we haven’t lost- unfulfilled expectations from another-unfulfilled expectations from ourselves…………the list goes on and on doesn’t it? Planet Carol has a new quest; Living in peace and contentment regardless of the list. Giving others room to sputter and jerk on their journeys while I make swift adjustments with my new repairs to stay out of their way (unless of course they choose to contact this vessel for assistance!)

So much joy is lost in the world because it seems so much easier to make the negative remark and go with the flow of society feeling safe in numbers. I have always considered myself the optimist and refuse to give in when I know that I am having faith for something God desires to manifest. People have always liked being at parties at our house because we are fun! But even “perfect little me” has an ocean of joy available that sits in the universe beautiful, sparkling, and inviting me. Too often I have chosen not to jump in even though I have experienced the refreshment it brings over and over. A niece of mine recently said it so well, “If my mind consumed data as much as it consumes my worries I would be a genius!” For me I realized I was guilty of blocking data meant to free me from worry.

At the pool the other day I had a $20 bill to use to get in. They didn’t have change so I got to swim for free. It was one of maybe 2 days this summer cool enough to leave the house and I took it! Later that afternoon my granddaughter came over and asked if she could have the $20. Her Mom and I both explained that the snack machines wouldn’t take a $20 and we had plenty of stuff already. She remained distracted and worried and came back later and asked again if she could have the $20. This time we asked specifically what she was going to do with a $20 bill. She said that she was going to offer it to some boys who were being mean to her brother and ask them to be nice to him.

Grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles and close friends: Join me in my quest to seek God openly and become an example of a planet that can live in peace, joy, and contentment regardless of whatever comes. Our children need role models of the reality that God is with us. They are drawn to our joy as instantly as if we were a wrapped present they can’t wait to open as pictured above………………..

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