Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It’s a common thing in the universe to designate “our spot”. We have a favorite chair and everyone around us knows if we are there don’t sit in our chair! Season tickets claim your place. Go to church and sadly visitor’s better not sit in our place! Children call for car front seats, but adults get in and no one speaks for we know where we sit! Even the movie buff has his/her place where for them the view is best even though the screen and sound is seen and heard by all! I’m very guilty about my spot in the corner of our couch. I read and write and watch TV and visit with friends and my family in restful comfort. It’s my place and my feathers are ruffled if I come in and find someone there and even though I don’t say anything I think they know!

I often thought if things could talk what stories they might tell. Of all they’ve heard from the heart and mind of the person spending much time there. The chair above is a favorite of a friend of mine. I took the picture after hearing the story of how she sat there and rocked for 4 months after the hurricane in Galveston. No electricity, water, or food nearby. With her job on hold till repairs could come she had nothing to do but rock and wait in between helping where she could and making runs to Houston for water and food that needed no cooking or refrigeration. I feel sure she will never give up that chair.

I’ve told you where Planet Carol sits when she wants to be comfortable. Proverbs 24:3-4 says, “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.” The blue chair gave comfort but it will decay in the passage of time. What happens there while rocking is the building of the spiritual house we invite the Lord to come into. Our thoughts are established and rooted in our hearts and those will stay with us. Planet Carol is evaluating what exactly are the thoughts and roots being established as I sit in comfort. Is the most rare and beautiful treasure for me sharing my life in relationship with Jesus? My husband says actions speak louder than words………….

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