Saturday, May 15, 2010

It has been suggested by more than one person on the repair team that Planet Carol needs to leave dock and take some time to adjust to test the repairs that have been implemented so far.  Though I was raised to be  completely independent I am finding myself out of my comfort zone getting ready for takeoff. I can't seem to get packed-unsure of what to carry along.  Letting go of everyone and everything-even for only a few days feels overwhelming.  (I really do have a "Savior" complex!)  Trusting God to meet my needs for 5 days is an effort too.  (How is that possible when I've read the Bible from beginning to end 4 times and experienced His grace and mercy over and over again!)  Though I will reunite with a good friend from years gone by- I have never met her husband, never been to Galveston-and will my scrabble skills be up to par?  It would not be exaggerating to say that my daughters literally pushed me on board and into orbit!

Once in the air I am grateful to fit comfortably in the slim seats provided on the aircraft and very happy to have tucked in my "neck pillow" at the last minute.  after staring a few minutes at the beautiful blue sky and puffy clouds molding themselves into fascinating designs pictured above I begin to feel true excitement for myself- just for me!  Surely that must be selfish- and yet just yesterday my daughter lovingly said that I do for others all the time because that is easier than dealing with my own issues!  When did she get so smart?  I teach others all the time to take care of themselves or they will not be there when others truly need them.  I was reminded of this when the flight attendant instructed the mothers with small children "in the event of an emergency put your own oxygen mask on before helping your children".

I decided in those first few minutes of the flight I would relax.  I would spend time having fun.  I would trust God in all things.  For 5 days I will believe that God has plans for me- plans that are good- plans that would bring pleasure to Him, myself and all those I love.  The Gospel I have always loved and sincerely tried to follow has always been simple.  Wonder what might be different right now if I had heeded the phrase- "Keep it simple stupid!"..............

1 comment:

  1. Catching up on my reading. Great analogy regarding the oxygen masks. I've never heard that principle described better.

    Incidentally, "Keep it Simple" is a good read. It is a book by Terry Bradshaw who, as we all know, knows no other way to keep it.
