Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How interesting are the responses when you are allowed time in paradise!  Many are sincerely happy for you, others jealous, others thanking God hoping you will return a "sweeter planet", and even others who with some level of contempt declare you a "spoiled rotten brat!"  Similar reactions are found to happen to the purchaser of a new car or home or to the couple who finds the fairy tale- love and money!  I ended my last blog with the phrase "Keep it simple stupid".  Living life coveting what you don't have is a sad legacy.

I have decided that there is too much emphasis on paradise and not enough thought to what blessings are there in my life every day.  God's mercy is new every morning for each of us.  As I leave the paradise pictured above (the green light attracts fish and it's amazing what you see!) I have decided to pay more attention to what I have and less to what I "think" I want.  I have decided to look forward to the journey of this day the Lord has made and be glad and rejoice in the blessings of it!  "Good morning Universe!"- Planet Carol is headed back to space dock...........

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