Friday, May 21, 2010

Even when we have no time. Even when there is no money. Even when there is no need- America loves to shop. Those who are the exception to this rule love others to shop for them or share discarded “spoils” that meet their needs- or in the wealthy world hire someone to do it for them!

On my 1st orbital trial run I had a wonderful time shopping. I was in the “had some time for a change and little money” category. I had my family’s orders to make this time for me ringing in my ears. I found a wonderful shirt for my husband that would have cost ½ of my budget. I took a picture of it and bought myself a new shirt for my upcoming recital. I did take treasures to family and friends because that is truly more fun for me than shopping for myself (might have something to do with the fact that one size fits all doesn’t fit me!).

Reflecting upon the shopping experience I began to wonder about contentment once again as it seems I (we) are always looking for something. Something nicer than what we have. Something to make life easier in some area. Something to entertain us and take our mind off problems. Something…………..and yet the Word says, “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying- This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21. Perhaps today would be a good day to close my eyes and open my ears…………………………

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