Monday, May 31, 2010

On a day like today the opinions carried deep in the hearts of mankind swarm and buzz like an attack of locusts on a cornfield. This generation (mine) has enjoyed a land of plenty and opportunity and children still dare to have hope for a future as the picture drawn above by my grandson reflects. Whether or not you hate or love the President is not the real issue. It may be a paradigm shift in our thinking as whole. I’ve recently read two books I highly recommend that have convicted me of the arrogance of our nation and I thought I was a completely non-prejudiced person! These books opened my eyes to how words and actions both may be perceived completely different than I thought I was expressing them.  In many instances the perceiver was right in their evaluation- I was the one who was blind! (The books are “The Same Kind of Different as Me” and “The Poisonwood Bible”).

I love America and do not take for granted that it took sacrifice to become who we are and I salute every person in the armed forces past, present and future who decide risking their lives was/is worth preserving a freedom for the future. Another compelling thought today that no man can deny is that there is a great fight out of our control completely- the disasters happening all over the world at an accelerated pace. We barely start cleanup and restoration and something else hits. Today I will not think about my personal life. I will dare to pray and humble myself and ask God with faith in my heart that His Son did not die in vain to have mercy on a nation that has a group of people who agree- In God We Trust…………….

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It’s a common thing in the universe to designate “our spot”. We have a favorite chair and everyone around us knows if we are there don’t sit in our chair! Season tickets claim your place. Go to church and sadly visitor’s better not sit in our place! Children call for car front seats, but adults get in and no one speaks for we know where we sit! Even the movie buff has his/her place where for them the view is best even though the screen and sound is seen and heard by all! I’m very guilty about my spot in the corner of our couch. I read and write and watch TV and visit with friends and my family in restful comfort. It’s my place and my feathers are ruffled if I come in and find someone there and even though I don’t say anything I think they know!

I often thought if things could talk what stories they might tell. Of all they’ve heard from the heart and mind of the person spending much time there. The chair above is a favorite of a friend of mine. I took the picture after hearing the story of how she sat there and rocked for 4 months after the hurricane in Galveston. No electricity, water, or food nearby. With her job on hold till repairs could come she had nothing to do but rock and wait in between helping where she could and making runs to Houston for water and food that needed no cooking or refrigeration. I feel sure she will never give up that chair.

I’ve told you where Planet Carol sits when she wants to be comfortable. Proverbs 24:3-4 says, “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.” The blue chair gave comfort but it will decay in the passage of time. What happens there while rocking is the building of the spiritual house we invite the Lord to come into. Our thoughts are established and rooted in our hearts and those will stay with us. Planet Carol is evaluating what exactly are the thoughts and roots being established as I sit in comfort. Is the most rare and beautiful treasure for me sharing my life in relationship with Jesus? My husband says actions speak louder than words………….

Friday, May 21, 2010

Even when we have no time. Even when there is no money. Even when there is no need- America loves to shop. Those who are the exception to this rule love others to shop for them or share discarded “spoils” that meet their needs- or in the wealthy world hire someone to do it for them!

On my 1st orbital trial run I had a wonderful time shopping. I was in the “had some time for a change and little money” category. I had my family’s orders to make this time for me ringing in my ears. I found a wonderful shirt for my husband that would have cost ½ of my budget. I took a picture of it and bought myself a new shirt for my upcoming recital. I did take treasures to family and friends because that is truly more fun for me than shopping for myself (might have something to do with the fact that one size fits all doesn’t fit me!).

Reflecting upon the shopping experience I began to wonder about contentment once again as it seems I (we) are always looking for something. Something nicer than what we have. Something to make life easier in some area. Something to entertain us and take our mind off problems. Something…………..and yet the Word says, “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying- This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21. Perhaps today would be a good day to close my eyes and open my ears…………………………

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How interesting are the responses when you are allowed time in paradise!  Many are sincerely happy for you, others jealous, others thanking God hoping you will return a "sweeter planet", and even others who with some level of contempt declare you a "spoiled rotten brat!"  Similar reactions are found to happen to the purchaser of a new car or home or to the couple who finds the fairy tale- love and money!  I ended my last blog with the phrase "Keep it simple stupid".  Living life coveting what you don't have is a sad legacy.

I have decided that there is too much emphasis on paradise and not enough thought to what blessings are there in my life every day.  God's mercy is new every morning for each of us.  As I leave the paradise pictured above (the green light attracts fish and it's amazing what you see!) I have decided to pay more attention to what I have and less to what I "think" I want.  I have decided to look forward to the journey of this day the Lord has made and be glad and rejoice in the blessings of it!  "Good morning Universe!"- Planet Carol is headed back to space dock...........

Saturday, May 15, 2010

It has been suggested by more than one person on the repair team that Planet Carol needs to leave dock and take some time to adjust to test the repairs that have been implemented so far.  Though I was raised to be  completely independent I am finding myself out of my comfort zone getting ready for takeoff. I can't seem to get packed-unsure of what to carry along.  Letting go of everyone and everything-even for only a few days feels overwhelming.  (I really do have a "Savior" complex!)  Trusting God to meet my needs for 5 days is an effort too.  (How is that possible when I've read the Bible from beginning to end 4 times and experienced His grace and mercy over and over again!)  Though I will reunite with a good friend from years gone by- I have never met her husband, never been to Galveston-and will my scrabble skills be up to par?  It would not be exaggerating to say that my daughters literally pushed me on board and into orbit!

Once in the air I am grateful to fit comfortably in the slim seats provided on the aircraft and very happy to have tucked in my "neck pillow" at the last minute.  after staring a few minutes at the beautiful blue sky and puffy clouds molding themselves into fascinating designs pictured above I begin to feel true excitement for myself- just for me!  Surely that must be selfish- and yet just yesterday my daughter lovingly said that I do for others all the time because that is easier than dealing with my own issues!  When did she get so smart?  I teach others all the time to take care of themselves or they will not be there when others truly need them.  I was reminded of this when the flight attendant instructed the mothers with small children "in the event of an emergency put your own oxygen mask on before helping your children".

I decided in those first few minutes of the flight I would relax.  I would spend time having fun.  I would trust God in all things.  For 5 days I will believe that God has plans for me- plans that are good- plans that would bring pleasure to Him, myself and all those I love.  The Gospel I have always loved and sincerely tried to follow has always been simple.  Wonder what might be different right now if I had heeded the phrase- "Keep it simple stupid!"..............

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Victory isn’t always beautiful. Often it is surrounded by a clean up job as in the finishing off of my twins first birthday cakes pictured above! Many times there are casualties, emotions, and wounds that need to heal. What we seek however, may involve a battle to receive it. I’d prefer not to fight, but just let the waves splash over my feet at sunset and go to bed without desire or responsibility. Though that is good for us, it only wins the battle of “stress management” for the moment. I love the Biblical definition of peace- “the annihilation of all your enemies”. That, my friends, will not happen without battle.

This past year our family put on the armor and went in to finish a battle we have been fighting for over 16 years. With a lot of pain, wounds, and sacrifice we have won 2 major victories we believe will be life changing for many people down the road. The victories are significant, but we have a lot of recovery and regrouping to do for what lies ahead. God has been with us. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

Obedience to our calling is the key. Free will is highly over-rated in America, for the victory we have obtained has been choosing willfully to follow God as He guided us through each battle. In the end we now see what He saw that we couldn’t see before. That is what is beautiful- arriving at the place of destiny He has for us each step of the way! Experiencing victory has given us courage to trust God more than ever to guide us into the next step of HIS GOOD PLANS FOR US (AND FOR YOU!)………….

Thursday, May 6, 2010

How we feel about it doesn’t matter. America loves movies! I do my part by paying the monthly fee to have them delivered conveniently to my front door. After viewing each film I just mail it back or if I want an instant second feature I can return it to a local store and get a free movie from them. Sometimes I get on a roll and sometimes I pay the fee and don’t watch anything all month! Either way I love it and won’t give it up. However, recently I’ve received a couple of bad discs. The last one came from the local store. Both my husband and I tried a couple times to get it to work, but in vain. In a very kind way I told the store manager of my frustration and that perhaps I should look at another company to rent from. He took the disc from me and kindly asked, “Do you have a blu-ray player?”

My admiration is high for all you technological people out there- I just can’t keep up! This experience caused me to reflect on how many times in life have I tried to make something work that simply wasn’t designed to operate on that machine or in that way.  It was interesting to me that my first reaction was to blame the company and not to check whether or not I had made an error of some kind. That reflection revealed a pattern that definitely has caused me to get off my orbit and start running into things sometimes resulting serious damage. From now on perhaps checking the details of what I am doing more carefully or seeking wisdom from the appropriate place (DVD cover, etc..) may save energy for attacking the real challenges we face. . “....grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ….” 2 Peter 3:18……..

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Crowded around a computer watching a 4x6 streaming graduation was the only choice and we did it- for 2 hours! May is always inundated with showers, weddings and graduations and there is no way to do it all -so traveling to Tulsa was just not an option. This graduate, a sweetheart of a girl who we claim officially as our niece (though there is technically no relation) and our grandchildren add to their family member list, was really important. We actually had a better view than those attending.

Especially in our world of technology, a few phone calls to “Tech” friends can put us in touch with most anything we want. It is true we will find a way to do what we really want to do- even if it is uncomfortable having a 6 & 8 year old crawling all over you and your husband saying “shush” every 3 ½ minutes and giving you the “do they have to be in here” glare the whole time! Grandmothers know when the children are really interested even if they can’t sit still.

We put up with inconvenience when it is in our hearts to do it. I went once to the nose bleed screaming section at a U of L Basketball game and that will last me a lifetime! My husband and son- in- law hold season tickets and as busy as they are never miss a game!

Sitting in repair dock I hear myself saying things I mean sincerely, but yet don’t accept the inconveniences that taking action holds. Does it mean I am not sincere? Some people say you have to hit rock bottom- that didn’t work for me! Somewhere in true victory in life there is a balance of desire, motivation, and yes obedience! It isn’t all fun and that seems to be the prevailing belief in the universe- if it’s not fun I’m not doing it!

James 1:12 NM “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.” I wouldn’t trade those 2 hours at the computer for anything- the real fun is in the shared experience texting back and forth with a graduate 10 hours away and that is the memory I will cherish. I am going to take a harder look at what I am saying I want- perhaps now is the time to pay the price to get it………………….