Monday, May 16, 2011

Family around the table enjoying a meal together.  What an amazing idea.  If you have never read “The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman I highly recommend it.  One of the five is quality time.   For everyone who lands in this category I truly believe life is the hardest for you.  The other four (words of encouragement, deeds of service, gift giving, and physical touch) are easier to come by because they can be done in a matter of minutes.  A five minute phone call, ten minutes of dishes, drop off a card, candy, or flower- or give a lingering hug and we can fulfill a love need quickly in our unending schedule of responsibilities each day.  Not quality time.  This is exactly what it says- extended time with one we love.  This requires more than all the others because it cannot be met in quick bits of time- it must be lingering with no schedule hanging over it and full concentration upon the person and your relationship with them.

We all spend time with someone.  Is that someone a person we are devoted to in life through marriage, family, friendship?  I find it easy to be too busy for the very ones I say are the most important to me.  To whatever degree that is true I am communicating something other than the truth I believe in my heart.  This universe we dwell in has become needier every day and stretches us until we hurt physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  We can still choose our own path and priorities- don’t ever believe the lie that we can’t!  There will come a day the thoughts may be I wish I had……  I am making a decision to fight off distractions and follow what I truly desire in my heart.  Paul did and he had no regrets!

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race,
 I have kept the faith”  2 Timothy 4:7

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