Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Project: “something you plan to do in addition to your regular life activities”
Multiple Choice Quiz:

How many photos do you have not in an album?

  • A- a shoebox full
  • B- a closet full
  • C- a room of crates and boxes full
How many projects do you have that you started but haven’t finished?

  • A- 1-5
  • B- 6-10
  • C-11 or more
How often are you working on a project and in the midst get an idea for another one and get distracted and start working on the new idea- even if it’s just to jot down the ideas?
  • A- never
  • B- sometimes
  • C- frequently
How many projects have you completed in the past year?
  • A- 1-2
  • B- 3-4
  • C- 5 or more
If you chose all C’s welcome to Planet Carol!   If you chose all A’s you don’t live in my universeJ  If you are a B person I commend you for living in reality!  Rejoice in who you are today because there is no right or wrong answer.  I wonder if we are too busy trying to become something rather than just being the unique something we are...........

Friday, May 20, 2011

Seeing a light to guide and make me feel welcome in the midst of my storm. Discovering myself by a fireplace that is burning brightly and generously providing me warmth for my freezing hands and feet.  Smiling spontaneously at the antics of an innocent child when hurt is assaulting my heart.  Seeing a miracle appear for the one for whom I can do nothing to help.  These are a few of my favorite things.

I personally know no one who is not touched by the troubles of this world.  The sad song sung by slaves in bondage “Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen” could become the next national anthem.  Nashville country singers are joined across America singing "gloom, despair, agony on me; deep dark depression, excessive misery; if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all... gloom, despair, agony on me..."  Those of us who care and remember better days may actually be made to feel guilty if we rise above this mindset experiencing victories in life!  We are sometimes made to feel guilty if we have a reason to celebrate when others are sad. Thousands of volumes of books have been written to declare the unfairness of class distinctions in life caused by money.  Do we now think that if we have no happiness no one else should either?  Mahalia Jackson wrote:  Soon I will be done with the troubles of the world, troubles of the world, troubles of the world.  Soon I will be done with the troubles of the world-I'm going home to live with God!”

I don’t disagree with her lyrics and agree wholeheartedly with the ending.  Time is flying by so quickly and there is a place we will go.  It’s just that I personally agree with Mary Poppins:  “Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down…”  I agree with Pollyanna and feel the “glad game” should be played daily!  I agree with the scripture that says “the joy of the Lord is my strength!”  I for one am going to savor every moment of happiness and goodness that comes my way hoping the pollen of if will spread to those I meet. Only God can work a miracle, but I can be light, warmth, and a smile to those who walk into the pathway of my life………………….

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Been in the driver’s seat- just not this one!  Had I known I was to chauffeur the happy couple to the hotel I might have at least checked it out.  Maybe not.  When all else fails read the directions is a saying my husband would say describes me!  However, I am rarely shy in a challenge. Wipers coming on during the rainless drive and occasional unexplained beeps and buzzes did not deter me from acting out the part as a professional.  I pointed out city sights while following the directions of the backseat drivers and dropped them feigning complete confidence I knew the way home!

 Admittedly not having the ability to say no has pressed me into a counseling session or two (three?)……but when your baby girl says, “Mom, everyone else is busy. Can you drive us to the hotel?”-  at the end of her wedding celebration no is not an option.  As a matter of fact it became an honor- to be with them alone at the end of their special day and continue in the ambiance of the evening will be a precious memory forever!  

However there are some things in life I need to say yes to that do not have the appeal or the immediate gratification of the moment above and I find myself stalling, giving excuses, and even hiding to avoid them.  Saying yes to these things would yield positive results, but far more time and commitment.  It’s the drive thru world and 24 hour grocery I take for granted that makes me lazy.  It’s easier to eat the ice cream, avoid the person annoying me, not discuss the future of my financial world and opt make a card.  I actually address and stamp it knowing the smile it will bring.  I can float in the energy of feeling good about that!  I believe it is called rationalization and I am an expert- superior to anyone I know actually! 

Evidently someone in the area has heard God and the rapture is taking place on Saturday.  Since I personally know Jesus- He is my best friend- then I’ll be gone and for me all is well.  If I am still here Sunday I may need to take a look at saying yes to a few things…..

Monday, May 16, 2011

Family around the table enjoying a meal together.  What an amazing idea.  If you have never read “The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman I highly recommend it.  One of the five is quality time.   For everyone who lands in this category I truly believe life is the hardest for you.  The other four (words of encouragement, deeds of service, gift giving, and physical touch) are easier to come by because they can be done in a matter of minutes.  A five minute phone call, ten minutes of dishes, drop off a card, candy, or flower- or give a lingering hug and we can fulfill a love need quickly in our unending schedule of responsibilities each day.  Not quality time.  This is exactly what it says- extended time with one we love.  This requires more than all the others because it cannot be met in quick bits of time- it must be lingering with no schedule hanging over it and full concentration upon the person and your relationship with them.

We all spend time with someone.  Is that someone a person we are devoted to in life through marriage, family, friendship?  I find it easy to be too busy for the very ones I say are the most important to me.  To whatever degree that is true I am communicating something other than the truth I believe in my heart.  This universe we dwell in has become needier every day and stretches us until we hurt physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  We can still choose our own path and priorities- don’t ever believe the lie that we can’t!  There will come a day the thoughts may be I wish I had……  I am making a decision to fight off distractions and follow what I truly desire in my heart.  Paul did and he had no regrets!

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race,
 I have kept the faith”  2 Timothy 4:7

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Glamour abounds right beside gaudy (no this is not me, but a derby fan on the street) for two full weeks in Louisville prior to the Derby Finale the first Saturday in May.  Opinions come in all the extremes of the hats on the radio and newspaper about the affect on our city.  The truth is this festival offers such broad choices that everyone in the city will enjoy some aspect of it.  Concerts of all styles of music from Contemporary Christian, Old Time Jazz, lots of Country and Hard Rock gone wild; fireworks from backyards to the festival opening “Thunder Over Louisville”; Cotton candy to Caviar; Homeless to Hollywood Stars all share the ambiance!  I remember one year I was working with the elderly and took a group to the Galt House Senior Day. I saw Ed McMahan get out of his limo and being the shy person that I am went over and asked him to greet my group.  He shook everyone’s hand on that bus and some of the ladies wouldn’t wash their hand for several days they were so mesmerized that he got on the bus and greeted them.

We work for vacation, TGIF comes from everywhere on Friday in anticipation of something fun on the weekend, and many like me decorate their home for every holiday!  No matter what the celebration there are those who choose immoral acts; those that flaunt their superiority; those that showcase their generosity; those that overspend affecting their ability to pay next months bills.  As I orbit the city during this time I am who I am by the grace of God!  I will show hospitality, pray for safety, love the fireworks, and award the grandchild who chooses a horse that shows with a ribbon.  Everyday is an opportunity to be like Jesus in our actions.  He will be at the track today.  His purpose will not be to help you pick the winner, but rather join you in enjoying what is good and spreading His unconditional love to all who will encompass it.  He is not illusive or exclusive- He is here!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dearest Joe and Glenda,
            Truly you are missed!  Every Sunday I look for you.  I watch the house as I drive by.  We have such a history of sharing both life’s blessings and challenges and now that you are so far away I wish I had:
·         stopped in for a cup of coffee on a regular basis
·         worked to convince Glenda to get me on a walking regime
·         been more of a help during your mother’s illness
·         had you over for the barbeque I thought of doing over and over
The world has quit sending cards and letters.  But personally I really love all kinds of paper and am very picky about what pens I will write with.  I have decided to not give up such a beautiful friendship.  I will: 
·         regularly send a packet of my writings to you that I used to hand to you each Sunday
·         Send you cards as events or moments come to share
·         Pray for your contentment and happiness in your new life
·         Guarantee that you will know there is no distance in friendship based on mutual commitment to God and each other!
May God Bless You Today,
Sincerely Planet Carol

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

“Oops, sorry” is probably said or heard by each of us on a daily basis.  I will never forget my Dad slipping on the ice carrying one of Mom’s masterpiece cakes to a birthday party and the cake landed upside down.  He just laid there and we were hollering,” Call 911!”  He looked up tears streaming and said “I’m fine, but Mom’s cake is ruined".  My husband was really looking forward to a homemade strawberry pie I’d made for a camping trip with friends.  When my friend went to get it she tripped- sad mad husband lol! Pictured here you can see at the recent wedding of my daughter her niece dropped the petal basket on the way to the door.  The veil became the gathering place to collect them and return them to the basket.  Everyone stayed happy and sweet - such a blessing as the ceremony was already twenty or more minutes late in starting!  Also pictured is the happy ending which there usually is in everyday mishaps.  It has taken an unmentionable number of years for me to become calm in life.  Things are going to happen and truly what is a glass of spilled milk compared to a tornado or tsunami?  What good does it do to yell at all the other drivers on the road who can’t hear you when most of the world is walking?  Many are working jobs and being expected to do the job of 2 or 3 people due to cutbacks and we are impatient with them?  I am guilty of all examples given, but I decided to change course this past year and find myself much more content.  Today I meditated Colossians 3:15 and I share my version here:  

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your planet……you

were called to peace….and be thankful.”