Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Seems like everywhere we go there are cones and yellow caution tapes directing us away from danger. Food labels warn us, prescriptions now come with 6 typed pages of side affects, toys are marked not to give to children under 3 and on and on the warnings go. I have not heeded warnings well and have come to a place that consequences are trying to take over. Why haven’t I heeded the warnings? I must confess that part of it has led me to repent of a self righteous arrogance which is quite different from when I am standing in faith before God. Secondly I have to confess that my coping methods to comfort myself have become so strong I look like a child who won’t give up their “blankie” even though it is full of holes and there is little comfort to grab onto. This year has been the year of letting go. Letting go of control in situations I have no power to change. Letting go of many fears and truly putting my trust in God. Letting go of expectations and being content where I find myself. (Just to mention a few!)

Someone asked me the other day what my new goals were right now. “Stop, drop and roll” I said to their surprise. You see I am a fireman. The planet loaded with hoses, water tanks, helmets and first aid of every kind. I spend little time working on the equipment at the docking station- I am out as the “quick responder” ready to save the world. This week I realized I had missed an important training class. Stop, Drop & Roll.  When I catch on fire in the midst I just keep running on trying to save others until I get sick from the fumes, burnt so badly I don’t recognize myself in the mirror, or simply drop and become the one carried off on the stretcher from pure exhaustion. Recognizing that I am on fire is difficult for someone who pays so little attention to themselves where it counts. I am more comfortable out there directing the rescue of others than I am taking care of my own health, physically, mentally and spiritually. I see clearly that if I were to die today I may be remembered with some admiration and love, but it would be a life cut short due to neglect of oneself that would be my true legacy. I decided today to take the Stop, Drop & Roll class. Somewhere in the course I am sure to find Psalm 119:133, “Direct my footsteps according to Your Word- let no sin rule over me.” It may be the hardest course of my life, but somehow I already know you will like me better………….

Friday, August 27, 2010

Our family is very dramatic. We are passionate about life and voices tend to volume up as we share our deep convictions- sometimes about the smallest things! One daughter is quite the stand up comedian and in middle school went on about her dad’s car calling it “the green machine”. With hand gestures and voice changes she described the ride to school. While listening to oldies Dad had the heat blasting and the windows down causing the wind to mess up their hair! We were rolling on the floor, but that is a serious issue for junior high! We have taken on many challenges of which I have written about before and all of my children have traveled abroad not because we had the money- but we raised it working hard. Mark 9: 23 describes us well, “Everything is possible for him who believes”.

What do I believe today? In some ways there is such wonderful satisfaction and love in life. In other ways I am feeling tired and worn out. The world would say “age” is catching up with me. I have decided it is not age- it is a complacent rut I got stuck in. Some of the most significant people in history didn’t even begin the best stories of their legacy until after 60 years old! It’s time for a new beginning! Last year we lost the “family tree” which graced the front yard, housed birds and children, and was in every special family photo! This past week we planted a new tree pictured above with my grandchildren. I have decided starting today to be fresh and grow along with my new tree.

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out it's roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes, its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-9 NIV

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

This morning I woke up with some young mothers on my heart. Any one with little ones is young! The tune from “The King and I”- “Hello Young Lovers” came to me. Allow me to rewrite the lyrics for you today.

Hello young mothers, whoever you are,
I hope your troubles are few.
All my good wishes go with you today
I've been a Mom like you.

Be brave, young mothers, and follow your star,
Be brave and faithful and true,
Cling very close to your children today
I've been a Mom like you.

I know how it feels to have fussing all day,
And to fly down the street after the dog!.
I used fabric diapers that hung on my cupboards
as the rain poured outside in the fog.

Don't cry young mothers, at least not all day
Don't cry because you’re not alone;
All of your memories will be precious to you,
I've had some kids of my own.
I've had days that were too much, like yours-
I've had some kids of my own.

Jesus loves moms of all the little children in the world……………..

Friday, August 20, 2010

Why write when there are thousands of authors to choose from already? Why paint when the starving artist is discovered only after they are gone? Why sing when American Idol eliminates tens of thousands every season? Why dance? Why create? We sadly choose not to use so many of our talents because they don’t generate income and according to the world without money there is no life! I just finished the first in a series of Novels by Terri Blackstock called Last Light. By the end of the first page America lost all power, all cell phones, all generators, cars and trains stopped, planes crashed and it was not the second coming of Jesus! How we would respond is cleverly written with great insight into humanity. I for one cannot truly imagine it.

So what is the answer to the “Whys” above? We are each dwelling with others in our own small pocket of the universe. The people who share our space are recording our lives each time we appear. It may be a personal conversation with them that meets both our needs to share life. Possibly someone is witnessing our yelling at the kids or the grocery clerk who put the frozen meat in the bag with our loaf of bread. I went shopping for school supplies for the grandkids and within a few minutes in one store I had to listen to 4 hateful cell phone conversations other shoppers were having. It made me want to be nice! It made me kinder the rest of the day. It caused me to go out of my way to let someone in, let someone go first, and compliment everyone I saw!

Write because our thoughts are unique and what has given us hope will help others.

Paint because the uniqueness of your design will cause another to pause, rest their mind and think.

Sing because the children need to hear it and remember the fun in our lives.

Dance because it will dazzle others or give them the laugh they needed for the day.

Create because we need something fresh to keep us from rotting in our routines……..

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Celebrating my twin girl’s birthday this week has been so much fun. This is what a birthday means to me:

1. Remembrance of the exact moment life (or in this case lives) entered this world.
2. Stories of coping with the new family member.
3. Laughing about the joys this person(s) has brought to my life.
4. Reflecting on the challenges they brought to me and how they molded me into who I am today.
5. Celebrating the relationship that has matured as the years pass.

As you can see we are serious birthday folks at my house! Looking over my list I see something special. Let me write it again for you.

1. Yearly we remember the birth of Christ.
2. Most everyone knows his birth brought huge coping issues for his parents causing them to flee the country.
3. The joy Jesus brought to the earth is told over and over in the friendships and miracles he engaged in.
4. Jesus challenged the people of His day to shift their thinking about God and experience Him for themselves.
5. Today and every day I celebrate with a grateful heart the personal relationship He offered to me that I accepted at 8 years old. It has sweetened so much over these many years…………….

Thursday, August 12, 2010

What can we blame it on- the economy- the heat-the unpleasant encounter with someone you thought loved you- the weight we haven’t lost- unfulfilled expectations from another-unfulfilled expectations from ourselves…………the list goes on and on doesn’t it? Planet Carol has a new quest; Living in peace and contentment regardless of the list. Giving others room to sputter and jerk on their journeys while I make swift adjustments with my new repairs to stay out of their way (unless of course they choose to contact this vessel for assistance!)

So much joy is lost in the world because it seems so much easier to make the negative remark and go with the flow of society feeling safe in numbers. I have always considered myself the optimist and refuse to give in when I know that I am having faith for something God desires to manifest. People have always liked being at parties at our house because we are fun! But even “perfect little me” has an ocean of joy available that sits in the universe beautiful, sparkling, and inviting me. Too often I have chosen not to jump in even though I have experienced the refreshment it brings over and over. A niece of mine recently said it so well, “If my mind consumed data as much as it consumes my worries I would be a genius!” For me I realized I was guilty of blocking data meant to free me from worry.

At the pool the other day I had a $20 bill to use to get in. They didn’t have change so I got to swim for free. It was one of maybe 2 days this summer cool enough to leave the house and I took it! Later that afternoon my granddaughter came over and asked if she could have the $20. Her Mom and I both explained that the snack machines wouldn’t take a $20 and we had plenty of stuff already. She remained distracted and worried and came back later and asked again if she could have the $20. This time we asked specifically what she was going to do with a $20 bill. She said that she was going to offer it to some boys who were being mean to her brother and ask them to be nice to him.

Grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles and close friends: Join me in my quest to seek God openly and become an example of a planet that can live in peace, joy, and contentment regardless of whatever comes. Our children need role models of the reality that God is with us. They are drawn to our joy as instantly as if we were a wrapped present they can’t wait to open as pictured above………………..

Thursday, August 5, 2010

This morning I woke up at my daughter’s apartment. What I am about to say sounds like fiction, but I am absolutely telling the truth! Tuesday afternoon both back car windows fell down into the doors and wouldn’t come up. After working out car credit (which is easier than root canal credit to get) I was told it would be 3 hours. My 9 year old grandson was along so we walked about 4 city blocks in intense heat to reach the local bowling alley! After hydrating myself and breathing normally again we enjoyed ourselves in a very “cool” setting. My cool meant cool, his cool meant moving lights and shining stars in the alley. We made it back more comfortably and all was well as “I signed my life away one more time!”

Wednesday I woke up early to attend a wonderful piano teacher’s workshop put on by Mr. Faber himself! I left there and the temp was 102 with heat index of 118. I had to drive 15 minutes to reach a bearable temperature in the car. Picked up my mom (soon to turn 80) and left car running so she could stay cool. After her appointment I went out to start the car only to find the left front tire almost flat. I drove to my house close by knowing I wouldn’t make it to her place on that tire. After a couple hours of sharing pictures on face book with Mom and (to her delight) chatting with some family, I realized that I was still hot even though mom seemed fine. About that time my husband came to deal with the tire accompanied by my sister who was taking Mom home. They noticed the house wasn’t as cool as usual and upon checking my husband said the compressor may have burnt up. A minute later my sister said my copier wasn’t working. Cable was also malfunctioning when I tried to turn the news on for mom. I looked at my husband and said “We are going to be like Job.” and he interrupted declaring, “You are not going to die!” Laughing I let him know I meant we were going to trust God no matter what!”

It is 11:15 Thursday morning. The air is fixed- it was the capacitor which I am told is the motor that runs the compressor. The check’s a “little hot” but we are cool again! Many are the trials we face, but when faced with peace that God has us covered and we humble ourselves to receive from Him through loving family and caring friends we can retain our peace that passes all understanding and carry His joy in the midst………..

Monday, August 2, 2010

Bathing suits rarely hit the wardrobe, but Saturday I bit the bullet, pulled hard, did some deep breathing and humbled myself to allow someone else to hook the final hook! After 5 minutes with my daughter and grandchildren in the local pool I was like a goldfish that had been dumped out of his bowl and left to long out of the water only to finally return and happily swim circles in the fresh clean water!

Friday was a miracle day at Planet Carol’s house. There was peace and prosperity over a family member and a beginning of restoration that is nothing short of a direct gift from God! There are a hundred thoughts to attack our brains, but we are resisting and following the advice of Paul that whatsoever things are of a good report- think on those things!!!! Other things tried to go south Saturday, but I made a choice to dwell on the good report at the pool and it was great!

James 1:12 MSG Bible has been on my desk all year. “Anyone who meets a testing challenge head-on and manages to stick it out is mighty fortunate. For such persons loyally in love with God, the reward is life and more life.” Our family is moving on to more life and our hearts are full of gratefulness to God. I know many people whose circumstances are much worse than ours have been. I can pray. I can love. I can clearly say stay loyally in love with God! This generation must see that we can trust God no matter what and life can be lived with peace and happiness. We must demonstrate that in the midst of a thousand things we cannot do anything about we always have and will always have the choice to trust God and receive His life- this planet is set free to have joy……….