Monday, November 30, 2009

Is your life ruled by a schedule or routine? Most everyone I know seems to be. It makes sense in light of the fact the universe operates on rotations that cause the sun to appear in the morning and set at night. Some of you live near the poles and don't experience that- I can't imagine adjusting to sunshine at night or darkness in the day- I hate it when the sun goes down at 5:30 in the winter months! My family is spread all over the world- one brother is 6 hours behind me and another 6 hours ahead. I traveled to South Africa one summer and was amazed at the real meaning of jet lag- entering a time zone other than your own. This holiday weekend upset my routine. On Friday I kept thinking it was Saturday. By Sunday the work load I decided to pretend didn't exist during the Holiday began to cause pressure in the back of my neck! I have said all this to say that even though I had lots of fun with family and friends, lots of play and hugs from the children, and received some valuable spiritual insight at my church service- still I find myself lost in the universe this Monday morning- a plumper planet still in search of my orbit. Do you see me as just high maintenance? Perhaps needing a "chill pill"? My Dad used to tell me to "lighten up"! Knowing I am just a speck in the universe somehow drives me even harder to be a speck of purpose and meaning even though at the moment I lack the energy to look for it....

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