Saturday, June 18, 2011

It is eleven thirty Sunday morning and these men are at church.   Literally!  Below them there is children’s ministry and a worship service going on, but there is also a service on the roof!  One that requires sacrifice, sweat, and hard work, but reaps the blessing of spending time together at God’s house!

Jesus said, “My father’s house is a house of prayer”.  He healed the sick on the Sabbath.  Man has the option of defining what their church looks like.  Church by definition is the building where we assemble.  However only God can define what is true worship- for it comes from the heart.   I love the simple verse in Ecclesiastes 2:26:  “To the man who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness.”

This universe is changing. As I roam these days I am seeing the importance of looking for what God sees more than ever before.  Planet Carol will always be repairing and adjusting but it is not I but Jesus in me I want you to see…….

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