Wednesday, June 1, 2011

There she goes- driving off to a new adventure.  We used to do it regularly on my birthday!  The first time with a one month old baby between us on the U-Haul truck seat!  Most of America has a memory with a moving truck involved.  Excitement inside the cab is offset by the tears waving goodbye.  But hold on- this is not the 70’s!  Email, face book, cell phones, text and twitter!  It’s like the movie “What about Bob”- they’re not really gone- they are still here!   The first text is sent 30 seconds down the road!

Having sent my children all over the world without modern communications is unfathomable to me now!  I am watching nieces, nephews, and friends and sharing in their lives as often as I can use these tools.  It is a joy.  Communication is the key to keeping our relationships strong and at least momentarily a sure cure for the lonely pioneer out there somewhere.

Sometimes we refuse to take advantage of these modern conveniences and choose to disconnect.  That was never the plan.  Jesus said “Lo I am with you always, even to the end of the world.”  Whether you believe in Him or not there has no doubt been a time you would have liked to talk to God about something.  Technology savvy- Not!  Determined to stay in touch-Yes!  No matter what I face today I will look for the resources to keep me focused, stable, and happy!  In spite of the turmoil’s of the world- we are blessed and I for one Thank God Daily For His Goodness to me………………………

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